Heartlands Review

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I watched it, and almost turned it off after the first 5 minutes but gave it time as some movies start out a bit slow. What a beautifully shot movie, with gorgeous scenery, and a nice simple story. I enjoyed it so much, and liked that the end wasn't as I had expected. I came away after watching that movie, feeling good. Its a simple feel good movie, and I think you learn something from Colin, the main character, as he has learned from all the folks he met through the movie. Oh, and the comparison to Full Monty? No idea how...other than Steve Addy being in both movies, there are no similarities in any way. Very odd...Oh, and the music? Awesome, I bought the best of CD for Kate Rusby last nite after watching and listening to her. Shes a folk singer that performs most of the songs in the movie...

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