Ilsa - She Wolf of the SS (1975) Review

Ilsa - She Wolf of the SS (1975)
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This is the first and best of the four "Ilsa" films featuring the sensational Dyanne Thorne, who plays the sadistic head doctor in a Nazi death-camp that specializes in cruel experiments on nude women. Sounds too tasteless to be bearable? Well, actually no. If you can retain your sense of humour, you can find this film thoroughly enjoyable. It's mainly down to the hilarious camp acting of Thorn in the title role, whether she is strutting around the camp, spitting insults in a thick hammy accent at all the inmates, or seducing male prisoners in her boudoir using her famous chest to maximum effect. Still, the various scenes of torture are surprisingly convincing, and very realistic, especially those carried out by Ilsa in her secret torture chamber on a prize female subject, so this is definitely not a film for the squeamish. Theres even room for suspense during the climax when Ilsa's cruel reign is finally overturned. Overall, an enjoyable romp for people who have seen everything the mainstream has to offer. But due to such scenes as fingernail pulling, torture by electrified dildo and castration, prepare your friends before you show it to any of them!

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