Coming Distractions Review

Coming Distractions
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Troma. Wow! When I first saw the Toxic Avenger when I was maybe 10 or 11 years old, it horrified me for all the wrong reasons. It was my first real glimpse outside the warm and comforting cocoon of childhood, and gave me a glimpse of just how ugly and cruel the world could be; and it was only a movie!
Twenty-five years later and I love, Love, LOVE Troma now. It really is a glimpse into the soul of the American culture, and the movie-making is top notch in its delivery. Kaufman and Herz are masters at peeling back the BS so common in modern moving-making and letting the public see the raw nerves that either tickle your funny bone or horrify you with cruelty, gore and menace.
The promo film for Troma, the many trailers spanning the era from the companies original productions to the modern era, and the many bonus shorts make this a helluva deal and an absolute must buy for anyone who has ever watched and truly loved a Troma picture.
If you're on the fence, and considering a purchase- either because you're a fan, or just like independent films, or maybe like grindhouse-style trailers- Do Yourself A Favor, and BUY THIS DVD! You will not be disappointed, and at the price, it's a steal. It's Troma, so OF COURSE!

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