Flight 93: The Movie (2006) Review

Flight 93: The Movie (2006)
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This fine A&E reenactment of one slice of the confusing events of September 11, 2001 succeeds in showing the combination of ad hoc citizen response and highly professional management that greeted the high-speed unfolding of those incomprehensible events.
The grippingly eerie music of the soundtrack frames the portraits of normalcy that open the film. Early on, we are shown the names of many of Flight 93's passengers when the camera focuses on the processing of their boarding passes by a Newark flight agent. From then on, we see them as real people who find themselves the protagonists of a seemingly unreal attack.
When it becomes clear that Flight 93 is 'obviously not planning on landing', the passengers - with the encouragement or acquiescence of grieving family on the ground - do what they have to do to 'regain control of the plane'.
Flight 93 suggests the possibility that orders were given - or would soon have been given - to take the flight down as it made its erratic way towards Washington. This reviewer - a frequent flyer - applauds discussion of this possibility and believes such action should be taken in the event we again find ourselves in this predicament.
Flight 93 is not an easy film to watch. Yet it is salutary to do so, for a moment to imagine the terror experienced by civilians caught in a war in the airspace above a peaceful land, to see that evil *and* fear coexist in the eyes of the people who do such things, and to remember that sometimes the most dire of circumstances squeeze heroism to the surface of quite ordinary lives.

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Tells the story of the people on United flight 93, one of the four hijacked planes on September 11, 2001, and how they foiled their hijackers' terrorist plot.Genre: Feature Film-DramaRating: UNRelease Date: 1-SEP-2006Media Type: DVD

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