Marie and Jack: A Hardcore Love Story Review

Marie and Jack: A Hardcore Love Story
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Comstock does it again, presenting a brief and enjoyable documentary about one couple's love life. The entire presentation takes about forty minutes. Marie and Jack introduce themselves in the first half, talking about how they met, the challeneges of balancing work against their home life, and about their real devotion to each other and to their marriage. Their discussion includes a few physical details of their sex play, illustrated by cuts between the interview and a scene in their bedroom. (I just wish Jack wouldn't interrupt her so much - that really grates on me.) The second half of this study presents a longer look at their lovemaking, including the moments from shown in the interview. The lovers are clearly there for each other first, and for the camera second if at all.
This is what erotica is supposed to be, and so very rarely is. It shows a loving moment between a loving couple, generally doing things that I'd enjoy with my own beloved. After the interview at the start I feel that I know them, at least a little. I want to see them happy together, and that includes delighting each other sexually.
The unusual thing about this handsome couple is that they work as actors in the adult film industry, and generally work with other people. This leads to odd moments on the set, such as when some adult actor is introduced to Jack just before getting physical on camera with Jack's wife, marie. It also leads to some odd moments at home, thinking about how to act natural with each other after acting out exaggerations of other people's fantasies all day on the set. Maybe "acting natural" itself is an act for them - and maybe putting that concious effort into what the other wants isn't a bad thing.
Explicitly sexual videos are easy enough to find. Videos with genuine affection, gentle tone, and people you can care about are painfully rare, though. Jack and Marie give just that, the kind of erotica that sensitive viewers can whole-heartedly enjoy.
-- wiredweird

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After 5 years of experimentation, MARIE & JACK was the first commercial film in our "Real People, Real LIfe, Real Sex" series.Shot in the Summer of 2001, Marie Silva and Jack Bravo were a married couple working in the adult industry, looking for a change from the all too predictable and formulaic approach to on-screen sexuality they experienced in their "day job". I was an idealistic young documentary filmmaker exploring what love and sex might look like outside the confines of the downbeat Art House approach.I wanted to show what love and sex looked like on screen when the people making love to each other were actually in love with each other, and I wanted to do it in a way that both honored the language of cinema and respected my audience as compassionate human beings. I hoped the result would be a film that would excite the mind, open the heart and arouse the body; and Marie and Jack were generous enough to lay their relationship open both physically and emotionally to my cameras, and through that, to the world.The result was MARIE AND JACK: A HARDCORE LOVE STORY, a documentary film that is both gentle and unflinching in its depiction of sexuality and eroticism inside of marriage. In their interview Marie and Jack are utterly candid, discussing their love for each other, both emotional and physical. When the interview gives way to lovemaking, it is no less honest; no coy angles or fade-to-black. This is what real love looks like, in all its glistening glory, and it's beautiful!The DVD includes the award-winning film, plus 32 minutes of lovemaking footage that I couldn't find a place for in the film; presented as a viewer-controlled multi-angle bonus feature. I made this film because I wanted prove that the human experience of sexuality was every bit as worthy of being witnessed as the violence and misery that is so readily accepted in entertainment, and that being 'serious' about sexuality didn't have to mean draining all the passion and eroticism out of sex. I think that what we captured in MARIE & JACK is every bit as joyful, lusty, and loving as what happens in our own bedrooms, and I hope that when you see this film you'll agree. I hope you'll say to yourself, "Yes! That's what real love looks like. And it's good!"

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