Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Special Edition) (1989) Review

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Special Edition) (1989)
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Raiders of the Lost Ark was a spectacular ride full of eye-popping stunts and breathtaking action sequences. The second Indiana Jones film, The Temple of Doom, was a disappointment. It was a decent movie, not bad by any means whatsoever, but it couldn't hold a candle to its predecessor. It seemed the Indiana Jones chronicles were only going to go downhill from there. Boy, was I wrong. I watched The Last Crusade in theaters back in 1989 and it was every bit as fun and enjoyable as Raiders of the Lost Ark, even an improvement in some ways. There's considerably more character development in this film and the special effects have gotten better with enhanced technology.
The storyline reverts back to the formula that made Indiana Jones so great. This time, Jones (Harrison Ford) has discovered that his father, Henry (Sean Connery), has disappeared on an expedition for the Holy Grail. Indiana takes his place and, with the help of Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliot), Sallah (John Rhys-Davies), searches for his father and the Holy Grail and must battle Nazis on the same quest.
The Last Crusade is action galore as its a non-stop and fun thrill ride. The stunts and action scenes are amazing, as usual.
The performances are as good as ever. Harrison Ford IS Indiana Jones and Denholm Elliot and John Rhys-Davies do good jobs with their role. The real standout in this film, though, is Sean Connery as Jones' father.
The Last Crusade is an excellent crowd pleaser, so watch it with an audience. To sum it up, this and Raiders of the Lost Ark are the best action films of all time.

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The third installment in the widely beloved Spielberg/Lucas Indiana Jones saga begins with an introduction to a younger Indy (played by the late River Phoenix), who, through a fast-paced prologue, gives the audience insight into the roots of his taste for adventure, fear of snakes, and dogged determination to take historical artifacts out of the hands of bad guys and into the museums in which they belong. A grown-up Indy (Harrison Ford) reveals himself shortly afterward in a familiar classroom scene, teaching archeology to a disproportionate number of starry-eyed female college students in 1938. Once again, however, Mr. Jones is drawn away from his day job after an art collector (Julian Glover) approaches him with a proposition to find the much sought after Holy Grail. Circumstances reveal that there was another avid archeologist in search of the famed cup - Indiana Jones' father, Dr. Henry Jones (Sean Connery) - who had recently disappeared during his efforts. The junior and senior members of the Jones family find themselves in a series of tough situations in locales ranging from Venice to the most treacherous spots in the Middle East. Complicating the situation further is the presence of Elsa (Alison Doody), a beautiful and intelligent woman with one fatal flaw: she's an undercover Nazi agent. The search for the grail is a dangerous quest, and its discovery may prove fatal to those who seek it for personal gain. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade earned a then record-breaking $50 million in its first week of release.

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