Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films (2011) Review

Kubrick's Odyssey: Secrets Hidden in the Films (2011)
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First off, let's set the record straight, at no time does Jay Weidner say we did not go to the Moon. What Weidner states is that much of what we saw was faked. What he does nicely is show how this was done technically and does so convincingly. He then demonstrates how this explains much of what Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara have detected in NASA footage and photos from the Moon.
The second half of the video is brilliant. This is where the author goes through The Shining on a level that is nothing less than mind-blowing and is alone worth the price of the DVD.
For those who think Weidner is reaching or grasping at straws, I recommend taking one course on films, either on-line or at a community college. I learned from a course on Westerns that there's more in the most basic John Ford Western than I imagined possible. In addition, Kubrick was the 'man of a thousand takes' supposedly using as many as 148 takes on a single scene. If it's in a Kubrick film, it's there intentionally.

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This provocative and insightful film is the first in a series of documentaries that will reveal the secret knowledge embedded in the work of the greatest filmmaker of all time: Stanley Kubrick. This famed movie director who made films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Eyes Wide Shut, placed symbols and hidden anecdotes into his films that tell a far different story than the films appeared to be saying.In Kubrick's Odyssey, Part I, Kubrick and Apollo, author and filmmaker, Jay Weidner presents compelling evidence of how Stanley Kubrick directed the Apollo moon landings. He reveals that the film, 2001: A Space Odyssey was not only a retelling of Arthur C. Clarke and Stanley Kubrick's novel, but also a research and development project that assisted Kubrick in the creation of the Apollo moon footage. In light of this revelation, Weidner also explores Kubrick's film, The Shining and shows that this film is, in actuality, the story of Kubrick's personal travails as he secretly worked on the Apollo footage for NASA.

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