Porky's the Ultimate Collection (1983) Review

Porky's the Ultimate Collection (1983)
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I was always hoping that 20th Century Fox would release the entire Porky's Trilogy on DVD some day. Well after re-release after re-release of the first film on DVD and the second film only available in a 2-pack with the first film, FOX finally did it. However I was disappointed with the special features. I am glad that a commentary by director (the late) Bob Clark was included, but I was also hoping that we would hear from some of the boys from Angel Beach. Getting their thoughts on being involved in one of the funniest film franchises in history would have been very exciting and funny at the same time. I also had hoped for a documentary with the actors, it would have been nice to see what they do and look like now while they talk about the films. But unfortunately all we got was a 15 minute mini-documentary from Bob Clark on his thoughts (and those were only on the first film in the trilogy). A second small documentary was included with the first disc with a couple of comedians giving their thoughts on the first movie (why we hear from them and not the actors beats the hell out of me).
Still for anyone who has ever grown up with these films or is just getting into them, coming across the entire trilogy on DVD for a good price is a great opportunity. If you are in your local Wal-Mart and you find it for $[...] I wouldn't pass it up (that is if you haven't bought it used on Amazon.com).

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