Bellydance Superstars-Killer Drillz With Zoe Jakes Review

Bellydance Superstars-Killer Drillz With Zoe Jakes
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I've been fortunate enough to take workshops with Zoe in the past, including a 4 hour intensive on drills at Tribal Fest 11. This DVD comes close to the real thing, very close. It's 93 mins long and only includes 1 short performance (I hate drills DVDs that are filled with performances or nonsense - I want to dance!). The set is clean and simple and the camera is behind Zoe while she looks in a mirror. This angle allows you to feel like you're in class with her - which I love. There are 7 sections with just Zoe then 4 with a group of dancers.
I would give it a B+ overall, I will definitely be using this often as a practice companion!
The Zoe sections break down as follows:
Warm Up - full body waves, full body warm-up - 5 mins approx.
Warm Up 2 - relevé, hip warm-up, foot placement - lots of good tips and hip explanations - 10 mins approx.
Chest - understanding "neutral" - diaphragm work, helping chest locks and pop look crisp - 5 mins
Shoulders - hands versus shoulders (they don't have to move together!) - rolls, 1 shoulder fig 8s 5 mins approx.
Arms - good arm stretches to disengage the head and shoulders from arm movements, fluidity (snake arms) 5 mins
Layer(ing)- Locks with shimmies, arms, chest etc. With locks and layers 5 mins
Belly - Belly rolls, breathing for good rolls - 5 mins
The group section is shot a little funny (Zoe facing students, camera behind Zoe). The set looks a little squished, but the drills are fun. The students are all fantastic LA dancers - notably gems like Calamity Sam and Heather Shoopman!
Those drills are broken down into 4 categories:
Hips- Hip locks and pops along with isolations- 15 mins
Chest- Chest isolations and layers- 15 mins approx
Shoulders- Shoulder / arm / hand isolations and layers-15 mins approx
Shimmy- 15 mins of shimmy-goodness. My fav!

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