Ghost in a Teeny Bikini (2006) Review

Ghost in a Teeny Bikini (2006)
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...but it was late at night and on HBO and no one saw me.
Actually, I've seen several of these movies on latenight HBO. Same cast, same cheap production values, same excuses for sex scenes. The release date for this one was last August so the movie's simulated sex scenes appear a bit more graphic than others (but these aren't the kind of movies you watch from beginning to end, normally, so I don't know if that's true).
But don't get excited: by "more graphic," I mean they're a little closer to a porn movie but still safe enough for HBO.
When I saw the title on my guide, I remembered the final 1960's Beach Party movie, THE GHOST IN THE INVISIBLE BIKINI, an awesomely-horrible Sixties flick that starred Deborah Walley, Nancy Sinatra and Boris Karloff. Was GHOST IN A TEENY BIKINI a parody?
While TEENY BIKINI is a parody of INVISIBLE BIKINI (if you're wondering why characters sing those incredibly lame songs, that's why), this movie is still a lame latenight HBO skin flick. The acting is bad (these are real porn stars, aren't they?), the jokes are horrible, and the movie ends abruplty--like they just ran out of money. All two hundred dollars of it. Where's the heroine in peril scene? Where's the slapstick fights and chase for the finale? Where the heck is Tommy Kirk?
This is what happens when someone sets out to make a parody of an awful movie...and ends up making something worse. But with hot naked chicks in it.
What kind of scale could anyone possibly use for this?
It is what it is.

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