Orca - The Killer Whale (1977) Review

Orca - The Killer Whale (1977)
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The angry mate of a slaughtered pregnant killer whale becomes so enraged, that he begins a reign of terror on a fishing village and their community. Even though this movie follows on the heels of Jaws, and while it's not golden filmmaking like the great white shark classic, it is better than you think and gives more creeps than you presumed. Also gives you a true impression that orca's are more intelligent than most whales or animals/mammals. Bo Derek, and Richard Harris give the film more than average acts, while poor Robert Carradine and others get whipped by the black sea wolf's tail or eaten by him. I vote Orca as a more dangerous and smarter animal than a killer shark-he's faster, smarter, and he's gota good reason to kill. The music, by Ennio Morricone is a little eerie and provokes your nerves that more terror is to come. So, although the film isn't a milestone, don't look at the poster of this movie and brush it off as a Jaws rip off. Better than it looks.

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