Night Crossing (1982) Review

Night Crossing (1982)
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This is the true story of one of the greatest escapes of the 20th century! The year is 1979. The Strelzyk and Wetzel families desperately want to leave Communist-controlled East Germany so they decide to build a huge hot-air balloon to carry them over to West Germany. Not only is it risky relying on a balloon to carry two families, they also have to avoid East German police. This is a well-crafted Disney film that the whole family will enjoy. The cast includes John Hurt, Jane Alexander, and a then-unknown Beau Bridges. Although I'm very happy to own this on dvd, this is a bare-bones dvd as far as special features go. At least the sound quality is better than my old vhs copy. Still, this is a very important and inspiring story that everyone should know about and I highly recommend this movie to people of all ages.

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