Casey the Co-Ed 2 Review

Casey the Co-Ed 2
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there are a bunch of these movies and if you get one the Amazon program will state that customers who bought this movie also bought these others. Unfortunately they are all the same with 5-6 very long sex scenes with exact matching simulated sex, oral sex, man doing her, her doing him, her sitting in his lap facing away. Never do any of these scenes have the missionary position. Basically the actors are never face to face. Is there a new union guideline forbidding to look one another in the face? Well anyhow they are all long boring so much so that the only way to stay awake is to fast forward them. And finally, if you want a plot forget it. The total dialog in this movie and the others is about as much as this review so you can guess how long and drawn out the lousy sex is to fill a 90 min. movie. If you are into silicone and wonder how much can be put into someone.... nothing natural or wholesome here

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