Living Yoga - Back Care Yoga for Beginners (1998) Review

Living Yoga - Back Care Yoga for Beginners  (1998)
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For the past 2 months, I've been experiencing terrible back pain due to muscle spasms. I wasn't offered much help by any of the doctors that I saw, other to be put on muscle relaxers and pain killers, which made me feel even worse. I came across this tape by sheer accident while browsing at my local library. I decided to try it because I was in so much pain, I was willing to try anything!
I got home and did the 20 minutes of tape and was SHOCKED by the results! I literally felt better after 20 minutes of Yoga, than I had in months! I couldn't believe the difference in how I felt, I felt like my old self again.
I'm not much a Yoga person and I don't consider myself very flexible, but this tape WORKS! It's perfect for beginners who haven't done any kind of Yoga before, it's gentle enough to use if you are injured, and best of all, it's effective. I think one of the best parts of this video is that Rodney Yee focuses on strengthening your back and your spine, so that your back problems will go away naturally and you'll be less likely have them again over time.
I would highly recommend this video to anyone that is experiencing any type of lower back pain. I know I will be using this video for years to come!

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