Three Days (2001) Review

Three Days  (2001)
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I love this movie. I watch it on TV when it's on but some years it's only on once or not at all. It's not a movie all about Santa Claus. I'm religious and love the message of the movie, however it does not have a religious theme to it. You don't have to have that background to appreciate that it's all about love. It's about what love really is and what it takes for a man to realize how much he loves his wife and how far he will go to show that love. The ending is perfect. I can't believe they have not made this for every region. Before purchase, I called the company who made one of my DVD players because it did not have the region on it. They told me it would play any region but they lied. The only way I can play this movie is through my portable DVD player. I can hook my portable DVD player up to play through my TV so the whole family can enjoy the movie. It will also play on my computer. The movie is wonderful, but I would caution everyone to make sure they have a way to play it before purchase. I really don't understand why they don't make it for region 1 players.

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Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession (1980) Review

Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession (1980)
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Seen a quarter of a century on, 'Bad Timing' stands out as one of Nicolas Roeg's most satisfying and complex films and yet it can be one of his hardest to discuss. It's a film I feel a little guilty about writing so little about, but even on a second viewing it's still rather overwhelming. It's interesting how it manages to be so genuinely multi-layered, more like a novel than a film - the way it mixes voyeurism, spying and emotional, psychological and legal investigation (with Keitel's investigation of the suicide scene placing him firmly in scenes as an unseen voyeur through Terry Rawlings typically brilliant editing) is remarkable enough, but the film manages to do so much more besides. And the performances are incredibly brave - how many leading men can you think of who would effectively (and quite deliberately effeminately) play the woman's role during the lovers' initial meeting? Russell in particular shows an astonishing range in what should be an impossible part, making her inability to find decent roles these days even more disappointing.
True it falls apart in the last couple of reels when the performances don't quite ring true, but it's still the last great film Nic Roeg made before settling into prolific mediocrity. It's as a brilliantly edited post-mortem into a mutually destructive relationship rather than a police mystery that it really enthralls, even when it doesn't entirely work. Much more impressive than I remembered, it's not a feelgood movie - if anything it's the date movie from hell - but it is a remarkably ambitious and accomplished one.
So why is the film so little-known and perhaps even less-seen? Well, that seems to be down to some bad luck and bad timing of its own.
In the US it hit censorship problems and in Europe it had major problems with its distribution. It was one of Rank's last full slate of British productions, so should have been guaranteed a circuit release on the Odeon chain in the UK. Unfortunately, the head of Rank Theatres was so disgusted by the film (the Rank Organisation was originally started to make religious films and many of the old guard were still in place in 1980) that he refused to book it into a single one of their theatres - the only Rank film to be so 'honored' (although he wasn't much enamoured of Eagle's Wing either). The second biggest circuit was owned by Rank's biggest rival, EMI, who weren't interested in helping out their balance sheet, so it ended up on Lew Grade's very small Classic chain. Rank's distribution in Europe was no more enthusiastic.
(Of course, Roeg's next and most expensive film, Eureka, had even bigger problems, being pulled a couple of weeks after opening due to a libel lawsuit that kept it on the shelf for years. Since then, despite the not really successful brave try with Cold Heaven, he seems to be little more than a director for hire on a slew of disappointing pictures and cable movies.) As a result, it's been very hard to track down since its original release, but it's well worth the effort if you're looking for challenging fare.
Criterion's DVD boasts a much better transfer than the UK DVD (which only features a trailer) and a more comprehensive extras package - interviews with Russell, Roeg and producer Jeremy Thomas, stills gallery and 16 deleted scenes. However, the laziness that has crept into some recent Criterion discs is evident in the latter: while 8 of those deleted scenes have no soundtrack, surely it wouldn't have been asking too much of Criterion to have included subtitles for the missing dialogue or at least to have included an introductory caption explaining the scenes? It's an irritating blemish on an otherwise excellent disc.

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Australia released, PAL/Region 0 DVD: it WILL NOT play on standard US DVD player. You need multi-region PAL/NTSC DVD player to view it in USA/Canada: LANGUAGES: English ( Dolby Digital 2.0 ), SPECIAL FEATURES:Trailer(s), SYNOPSIS: Psychiatrist Alex (Art Garfunkel) becomes sexually obsessed with Milena (Theresa Russell), a woman whom he meets at a party. The pair become involved in an intense and mutually destructive love affair. The drama unfolds in a series of flashbacks, as Alex tells his story to police Inspector Netusil (Harvey Keitel) who is investigating Milena's apparent suicide attempt.Alex's obsession grows, but Milena stays slightly out of reach. Originally rated X, but somewhat toned down to accommodate an R rating, Bad Timing: A Sensual Obsession is an interesting exploration of the nature of sexual passion and jealousy. SCREENED/AWARDED AT:Toronto International Film Festival,

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Trapped Review

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As a producer on this film, I have a unique perspective. I knew the script, I saw the film being shot, and I watched pieces of the editing process. However, it wasn't until we screened the film for an audience that I really got a feeling for the film. The script read like a murder mystery, but as the film played out on screen - there were a number of scenes where the audience ended up laughing. That's when I realized that although meant to be a murder/mystery type of film, it comes across more like a black comedy.
There are some great one liners in the film. 1) Where were you yesterday morning? Wait a minute, it's coming back to me now....I was in bed....with your mother. 2) I've been doing this long enough, that I can smell a murderer, and Mr....You Stink! 3) Sorry? I think we're a little late for sorry! - look at her, she's dead!
When I watch the film in it's entirety, I'm reminded of other black comedy films, such as "The Ice Harvest" with John Cusack and "Fargo".
Give it a try, and all of us at Winter Morning Pictures hope that you enjoy it!
Mike Hamilton

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Trapped is the story of a high-stakes business swindle that involves financial deviousness, emotional blackmail, sexual deception, psychological coercion, fraud, forgery, extortion, intimidation, and ultimately murder. As friends and family celebrate the successful career of Edward Roth Hutton (Corbin Bernsen), and the closing of a very important business contract for Hutton Industries, we learn that far from being his loyal senior partner, Tighe `Ty` MacArthur (Tony Bingham) is not only sleeping with Hutton's wife, Margot Schugart Hutton (Dana Hardy), but is also conspiring with Margot and a shadowy compatriot, Liam (Jeff Carpenter), to murder his boss and mentor, Hutton.

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Wheels of Terror ( The Misfit Brigade ) Review

Wheels of Terror ( The Misfit Brigade )
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When you consider the source material, this adaptation from Sven Hassel's bestseller Wheels Of Terror (one of a series of more than 10 books) about a German Penal Regiment fighting their way through battle after battle on the Russian front, should have been better than it is. Instead of making a gritty war movie with amusing moments in the style of the book, they've turned it into a caper movie trying to get cheap laughs with little substance. The music is straight out of a "Carry-On..." film, and the comedy elements really don't work at all. The C grade cast just about manage to get from A to B in the script without giving any real meat to their characters, and the whole thing goes off like a damp squib. Which is a shame when you think this could have been a late 80's Cross Of Iron instead of the second rate Kelly's Heroes that it turned out. It's hard to believe this film was made *after* Platoon had revised the way war movies are made. The Misfit Brigade is like a throwback to the less-than-serious war movies of the 60's - no bad thing if it's done well, but it's not.
Oliver Reed and David Carradine only appear for a combined screen time of about 5 minutes, so having them at the head of the cast list is stretching things a bit. One bizarre factoid though is that the kid that played the young Russian soldier in Peckinpah's vastly superior Cross Of Iron is all grown up and cast as Sven Hassel, the author, here, although he's reduced to a mere face in the crowd with little or nothing to do for nearly the entire feature.
That's not to say the film's a waste of time. I didn't find it at all funny (although the slapstick score was obviously telling me where and when I should be laughing) but maybe I felt let down by the fact that I was expecting something a little different to what I got. It's certainly not a bad film, it's about 20 years too late for the niche market it was aiming for and as such it'll probably rot on video for the rest of its days.
Don't do what I did and expect a reasonable adaptation of a great rollercoaster ride of a book, if you do you'll be disappointed. It has its moments, but turning a blind eye to Germans fighting WW2 using East European post-1960 tanks is a bit harder to do when the film doesn't give you much in return. It's more of a curio than anything else. If you want to see the Germans at war watch Das Boot, Cross Of Iron, or All Quiet On The Western Front. If you want to see an old fashioned style WW2-set caper movie in the style of Kelly's Heroes or The Dirty Dozen (but nowhere near as good) then The Misfit Brigade might be what you're looking for. At least it's better than the TV movie sequels they made for The Dirty Dozen.

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Kathy Shower: Playmate Model Mom Review

Kathy Shower: Playmate Model Mom
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A thoroughly enjoyable celebration of Miss Shower and her quite ample and sensual assets, not to mention the bubblebath interview allowing us a rare insight into a rather private woman, it seems.
For those unaware of this DVD, it's all about Kathy in its entirety, divided into 5 main sections, each section allowing Kathy explore different sexy outfits as she strips and slips out of them, only as a PMOY could. Add to this the application of a ton of dripping baby oil, highheels, g-strings, the aformentioned interview, no less than 3 new slideshows, and a motherload of extras, and you have the dvd 'Playmate Model Mom'. And yes...she gets naked in every single scene!
A DVD for everyone and anyone (18+), but most especially for 'the fans' who will appreciate the more unique elements of the female form Miss Shower has in abundance, not to mention the sensual mind that drives it.
Also available on Ebay and via Kathy's fansite at
- Jack

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Kathy Shower, like never before...Playmate of the year 1986, Kathy Ann Shower returns to scorch the screen in this all-Kathy solo DVD exploration of all things feminine and erotic from the sensual feel of lace to the dark allure of feline fetish. This is a Playboy-style DVD containing female nudity and divided into 5 main segments. Includes extras.

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Deadly Matrimony (1992) Review

Deadly Matrimony (1992)
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To think about this type of criminal activity having a chance to exist is unexplainable. I don't understand the audacious mindset of a mob boss thinking he could "own" a city and its law enforcement ranks, but these circumstances are exactly what Jack Reed encountered. Treat Williams plays the role of Masters eerily well. Dennehy of course, is splendid in the role of Reed. He knows Masters is a murderer without remorse, but he also knows the corrupt department he works for is just waiting for him to make one false move...

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Pirates Review

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This movie has been with me for about 10 years. It grew on me quickly and it has become one of those movies I watch again and again, usually about once a month. First of all, Jean Claude Van Damme is not in this movie, contrary to what you may read in the reviews (I just love that careful attention to detail from most reviewers). However, the people that *are* in the film do a fine job, particularly Walter Matthau who in my opinion is a very, very believable pirate. What is so interesting to me about this movie is that it is one of the few films where you legitimately feel as though you are just peeking in at a tiny episode in the lives of the characters. The film, in fact, ends exactly where it begins, and you are left with a sense that you've seen only one miniscule adventure in the lives of these pirates, who have had and are yet to have countless more. I would have to say that if you are even remotely interested in this era of our history, watch this movie. It is not the epic that "Cutthroat Island" tried to be (and failed at), but rather it is the somewhat comical and adventurous story of Captain Red trying to get his gold, at any cost whatsoever. I hope they eventually put this out on DVD, but I won't hold my breath.

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