Bridesmaids (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy in Blu-ray Packaging) (2011) Review

Bridesmaids (Two-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy in Blu-ray Packaging) (2011)
Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews) movie was the funniest thing I've seen IN the theater in a long time. I usually wait for movies to come out on DVD, but this looked pretty interesting, and I wasn't disappointed. It was hilarious!
Finally, a film that shows women are funny too. Kristen Wiggs is stellar, her character is so messed up, but you know there is hope for her. I was sort of expecting a rom-com, but no, this was Sex in the City meets the Hangover. There is a part where they're going to Vegas, but don't quit make it, I would of LOVED to see them all go to Vegas. I don't think that place would be the same.
I highly recommend this movie to anyone looking for entertainment that just makes you laugh. And do keep an eye on the actress playing Megan, she is hysterical. I've seen her in other movies, as a supporting character looking completely different and much more subdued; in bridesmaids she is unfiltered and funny as hell!
Go see this movie, you'll be glad you did.

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