RV Education 101 Travel Trailer/Fifth Wheel 101 Review

RV Education 101 Travel Trailer/Fifth Wheel 101
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The Good: the Polks' RV education videos present novice RV owners a feast of practical and empirical information on how to handle the complex, and sometimes unintuitive, details of RV utilization. Explanations are generally clear, and step-by-step examples are demonstrated with real-time or overdubbed commentary. My wife are I were almost clueless about RVs initially (we use our Airstream primarily for far-away cycling events and triathlon participation), and found these videos to be by far the best available.
The Bad: production quality and direction are, at best, mediocre. Several scenes/demonstrations would have been much improved with a retake or two and a more polished production. For instance, Mr. Polk occasionally makes some verbal stumbles in his delivery, which are natural, but it would have made things clearer had they been edited out or re-shot; he's also obviously chewing gum in several scenes; and a number of his charts/placards display obvious misspellings (like "comode"). Other scenes with minor equipment/technical problems (difficulty plugging into shore power, to give one example) would be rendered less tedious had they been re-shot. The sound quality is often erratic and annoying, and the twangy country music soundtrack is absolutely grating and nearly unbearable--it pains me to say this, but some sort of generic Muzak would have actually been preferable.
Overall, though replete with practical "how-to's," these videos suffer from amateurish editing and production which detract from their usefulness, and create tedium for the viewer. However, nothing that I've found so far is any better.

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