Female Slaves Revenge (2000) Review

Female Slaves Revenge (2000)
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The top of the box for this DVD states that this is a cult classic."Cult classic". Maybe, we need to examine just what exactly a "cult classic" is. I always thought a cult classic was an underground movie that never was accepted by the mainstream but was reverred and celebrated by a select few. Cult classics are often too extreme or weird for the mainstream but are usually well made and have original and entertaining premises. But maybe I'm wrong because "Female Slaves Revenge" does not fit my critera for a cult classic. Its an extremely bad movie, its not entertaining, its poorly made, poorly acted and the plot is disjointed. Nobody likes this movie not even a guy who enjoys cult classics like myself. This movie belongs in another catagory called garbage. And thats exactly where I will put it, in the garbage.

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