Xana and Dax: When Opposites Attract (Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series) Review

Xana and Dax: When Opposites Attract (Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series)
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Tony Comstock is the creater and master of a new genre of films: explicit couples' sexuality documentaries. Comstock states that "intent to arouse" is often cited as the dividing line between art and porn. Of all the emotions a director might hope to induce in an audience, arousal remains the last taboo, and Tony Comstock takes it head-on.
In Comstock's award-winning Xana and Dax: When Opposites Attract, he stays true to his mission of showing flesh in the context of intimacy and love. The conversation between husband and wife is in many ways more revealing than the pure sex, as the two discuss their initial attraction, personal turn-ons, secret desires, and intimate moments. In this case, Xana, the pale blonde with a gorgeous full-color back piece, is the older and more experienced of the two. Brazilian Dax is shyer about his sexuality and reveals some of his early fears about his body hair and lovemaking style.
The DVD is straightforward and to-the-point. The first half consists of a conversation with Xana and Dax, with brief segments from their lovemaking style interspersed within the narrative. The second half is an uninterrupted bedroom session (outtakes from which are what add spice to the first half of the move). The viewer is a part of their bedroom, and at no time does it appear that the director has interrupted to give them any cinematic tips. This is raw and intimate, beautifully shot, with no exaggeration or acting.
This is recommended along with the other Comstock Films advertised on the DVD. Just watch the outtakes and you'll be rushing out to purchase Marie & Jack (Comstock's first film, with married pornographic actors), Damon & Hunter (a male gay couple), Ashley & Kisha (a female lesbian couple), and Matt & Khym (a 30-something married couple).

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The erotic documentary XANA & DAX: WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT was shot in early 2004 as a follow-up to our first film, MARIE AND JACK: A HARDCORE LOVE STORY. As in the rest of our Real People, Real Life, Real Sex series, XANA & DAX tells the true life love story of a real couple. The first half of the film is an interview with Xana and Dax; how they met, how they fell in love, and what they love about being in love. The second half of the film is a candid love scene, every bit as warm and intimate as the interview. The camera never turns away from the erotic details, but neither does it linger on them fetishistically -- when it's all over, you'll remember the sensuous eye contact as much as the naked bodies.

Xana and Dax look like funky, city-wise hipsters, but during the pre-interviews (I typically talk with a couple for 4-6 months before we actually get down to making a movie) they won me over with their heartfelt sincerity. They were both so head over heels in love with each other, and their story had a wonderful twist from the typical masculine/feminine dynamic. When they met, Xana was bold, Dax was shy. Xana knew how to go after what she wanted, Dax was still figuring it out. Even physically they seemed like counterpoints; Xana has blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin and a curvy figure; Dax has dark hair, dark eyes, darker skin, and a lean figure. In fact, the subtitle "When Opposites Attract" came right from Xana's testimony about how their differences seemed to pull them together. That was a story I could relate to!

XANA AND DAX: WHEN OPPOSITES ATTRACT has become one of our bestselling titles. Their interview is disarming and wonderfully sweet; a terrific set-up for their boisterous, inspirational love scene, where you can see how much joy they take in sensuous play and showing off for one another's pleasure. I hope that when you see this film yourself you'll say, "Yes! That's what real love looks like. And it good!"

Since its release in 2005, XANA AND DAX has gone on to play in film festivals in the US, Canada, The Netherlands, Italy and Australia. It's also used by sex educators and counselors at places like The Kinsey Institute at the University of Indiana, Planned Parenthood, the San Francisco Sex Information Hotline, The University of Michigan Center for Sexual Health and Boston University's Faculty and Staff Assistance Center. The film has also been featured in articles in Tango Magazine, Jane, Women's Health, Penthouse, and Men's Fitness.--Tony and Peggy Comstock

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