Beauty and the Beast - The Enchanted Christmas (Special Edition) (1997) Review

Beauty and the Beast - The Enchanted Christmas (Special Edition) (1997)
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Like the other reviewer, I've seen this lovely little movie dozens of times, and never get tired of it. Angela Lansbury and Paige O'Hara are just as charming as in the original, and Bernadette Peters' Angelique will melt your heart. Her song, "As Long As There's Christmas," just might put a catch in your throat. The animation - especially the evil Forte - is eye-popping, just as you would expect from Disney. I would recommend this movie for all Disney-cartoon fans, as well as those who want a collection of cheery, heart-warming Christmas videos/DVDs. Get it ... You won't be disappointed. (FYI: Disney released a CD soundtrack that is just as much fun as the movie!)

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