The Perfect Storm (2000) Review

The Perfect Storm (2000)
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The costumes in this movie were incredible! I mean, the actors looked so much like real fishermen, I could practically smell them. Then they opened their mouths... The dialogue in this movie is so bad, it's hilarious. I grew up in a small fishing community: my father fished, my brothers fished, my neighbours fished. It cracks me up to picture the lot of them, on a fishing boat, cheering,"Let's fish!" like a bunch of high school football players. And I laugh to the point of tears everytime I picture any of them saying,"I just LOVE to fish!" like George Clooney. Pah-leeze! Who wrote this stuff?!

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It's Halloween, 1991. Near Gloucester, Massachusetts, the six members of the Andrea Gail, a swordfishing boat, head out to sea for their last trip of the season. Unbeknownst to them, a shockingly brutal storm is slowly gaining steam. Before the National Weather Bureau has a chance to inform the crew of the impending danger, it's too late. The resulting battle with three merging weather fronts--an unheralded natural disaster--is grueling and tragic. Based on the true-life best selling novel by Sebastian Junger, The Perfect Storm stars George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Diane Lane and is directed by Wolfgang Petersen.DVD Features:Audio Commentary:Commentary with Wolfgang Peterson Commentary with S. Fangmeier and H. Elswit Commentary with Sebastian JungerDocumentaryFeaturette:James Horner FeaturetteFilmographies:HBO First Look Special (29:30)Gag ReelOther:"Whitness to the Storm" (4:30)Photo gallery:"Yours Forever" Photo MontageProduction Sketches:Storyboard Art with W. Peterson CommentaryStoryboardsTV SpecialTheatrical Trailer

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