Little Lips ( Piccole labbra ) ( Historia de Eva ) Review

Little Lips ( Piccole labbra ) ( Historia de Eva )
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Made in 1978, this Italian-made "art" movie has elements of "Pretty Baby" and "Lolita". Basically, a troubled, wounded WWI vet befriends and becomes infatuated with a young girl. The American version has chopped out 9 minutes of (I can only imagine) scenes of child nudity/sexuality, but includes some adult nudity and sex scenes.
Although the extensive missing scenes (15% of movie) probably would make it a much better movie, the real bad part is...the packaging is false - it most certainly IS NOT digitally remastered. It has many artifacts, glitches, waves and scratches, and is as grainy as the VHS I was trying to replace. It's full-screen, but even so, the edges are cut off during the opening credits. Also the "enhanced audio" must mean it was so bad to start with that they had to pump it up or something. It sounds like a circus calliope in parts.
Oh, yeah, it's stiffly acted and poorly dubbed, and has a really bad score, too.
No extras. No trailer. No booklet. Nada. Should be in the bargain bin with a bargain bin price.

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