Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks Review

Ilsa, Harem Keeper of the Oil Sheiks
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Dyanne Thorn returns in the storming sequel to "She Wolf", and it seems to have been given a budget boost, as the setting moves to an Arabian oils sheik's kingdom in the middle of the desert, where Ilsa presides over his palace as right hand security guard and keeper of his harem of kidnapped beauties. The film doen't quite match the excesses of the first film in bad taste, and the camp comedy elements have all been increased, but there are still many gruesome scenes as the harem women are abused and tortured for various reasons, including a pretty revolting sub-plot to assasinate the sheik by deploying a bomb placed inside a womans body that will detonate during sex! Uniform fans will be pleased to see Ilsa replendent in her khaki shorts and boots, but she does not have the same prescence as in the previous film because she is herself punished at one point by despotic sheik, and its a shame to see that the film recycles her weakness of falling in love with a hunky American, which once again leads to her downfall. However, this film is still pretty extreme, but with a slant more towards sexual perversions than violence, and without the Nazi theme of it's predecessor its a lot less sleazy and offensive. Still way outside of the mainstream, though (and a hell of a lot better than the third film "Ilsa Tigress of Siberia", which has a cracking first 30 minutes, but disappoints immediately afterwards). A recommended buy for fans of the first movie, as well as one for any cult enthusiast.

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