Rhapsody Review

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Perhaps I'm a little biased because I absolutely LOVE Wood Harris but this was the first film I ever saw him in and I loved his performance in this movie. Not only was he SEXY as ever, but he was also sensitive, which is a side that is not often revealed by so-called rap artists (his role in the movie). Although I don't really like Gina Rivera (based on her role in Soul Food-the movie), I did like her performance in this movie and thought that the lead characters worked well together. This movie was intriguing, it kept me interested from start to finish and it's one of those movies that, while not Grammy award-winning, is a nice reprieve from the real world...especially the drama! This is one of my favorite all-time BET movies (this and Masquerade) and although so many people (surprisingly) gave it a bad review, I enjoyed watching it and will add it to my collection so that I can watch it anytime I want!

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Item Name: RHAPSODY; Studio:Urbanworks

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