Forbidden World (Roger Corman's Cult Classics) (1982) Review

Forbidden World (Roger Corman's Cult Classics) (1982)
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Corman's Galaxy of Terror is usually referred to as a rip-off/cash-in on Alien, but that film has very few similarities with Alien. Corman's low budget schlocker, Forbidden World definitely fits the Alien rip-off bill much more accurately..
The film involves an intergalactic buttkicker named Colby(Jesse Vint) who's summoned to a science lab on a distant planet to check out an experiment that "got loose". And I'm assuming, to kick it's butt. Colby arrives at the station to find that "Subject 20" as it's called, has escaped, killed all the lab animals and locked itself away in the incubator for a little R&R before it goes on a killing spree. Colby spends a good amount of his time giving the two, horny and attractive scientist chicks something to study in the after hours. Meanwhile, Subject 20 finally makes up his mind to leave the incubator on account of some flunky who decides to open the incubator door to get a better look at it when he noticed it started moving. Now it more or less becomes Alien-Roger Corman's Alien, that is! That is to say, shameless and cheesy(it ought to be with a character named Colby), with a bunch-O gore and T&A.
Once again, Corman really stretches his dollar. This film had a smaller budget than Galaxy of Terror, though in some parts it actually looks a bit more slick than Galaxy. The Making Of.. documentary on the disc provides some interesting insight on how the film was made. The second disc is the director's cut titled Mutant(a much better title considering the title "Forbidden World" doesn't make a lot of sense in the context of the movie). It's worth a look, though the film didn't get the same slick remastering as the first disc, so it's a bit rough.
All in all, another great Corman disc from Shout Factory. Makes a good double feature with Galaxy of Terror(especially at about 3 AM).

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