Magpul Art of the Dynamic Shotgun Standard 3 Disc DVD Set Review

Magpul Art of the Dynamic Shotgun Standard 3 Disc DVD Set
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I really like the guys at Magpul but I was underwelmed by their latest video covering the Shotgun. They talked about the lost art of the shotgun but then failed to cover it. Instead they refered to switching from buckshot to slugs as the lost art of the shotgun. That may certainly be a topic that is neglected by some instructors but by no means represents the complete lost art of the shotgun.
They also gave the impression throughout the video and especially at the end that they don't even like the shotgun as a weapon system. Chris even shortstrokes the gun while shooting prone and looks like a rookie. I enjoyed their previous videos but it is obvious that when it comes to the shotgun they have reached thier "failure point".

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