Terror Firmer (2000) Review

Terror Firmer (2000)
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Terror Firma is an independant film made by Troma, one of the last (if not THE last) small time movie companies left in the United States. You should purchase this movie if for no other reason than to support independant film. But once you do buy it, what will you get? An incredibaly funny, very violent, and fairly titilating movie.
I was talked into watching this movie by an aquantance. Never having seen a Troma film, I wasn't sure what to expect. I thought it would be a low budget slasher flick with lots of fake blood. I was mostly wrong. It turned out to be a very funny and interesting satire on the movie industry, movie making, and society in general. (While also being a slasher flick with lots of fake blood.) I haven't laughed as much at a movie in years.
As for the acting, while most of the actors will never utter the words "I'd like to thank the Academy," the female lead, Alyce LaTourelle, was simply excellent. I was surprised to see someone with as much talent in a low budget picture like this one. She is destined for bigger pictures, but not nessisarily better ones.
The Extras: The DVD is a two disc set that as some of the best extras of ANY DVD I've seen (an I have hundreds.) Most "making of featurettes" are nothing but the actors talking on the set about how excited they are to be making the movie, with clips from the movie thrown in. This DVD has a 90+ minute movie showing the whole process from the first day of shooting to the premier. I would have paid ... for this alone. They also have many deleted scenes, alternative scenes, and bloopers. There's footage of the actors auditioning for the movie (when's the last time you saw that on a DVD?) But wait, there's more! Three music videos (that are quite good,) interviews with two of the actors, and theatrical trailers. Not to mention three, count `em, three audio comentaries. Oh yea, and plenty of easter eggs! All together, one of the most feature packed discs out there.
One word about the screen format. This movie, as with most, if not all of Tromas movies, was filmed in 4:3, so this IS in it's original format. This disc is NOT pan and scan.
If you've read this far, you are probably considering purchasing this movie. Go for it, I'm happy I did.

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Honored at film festivals the world over and revered by tromites and tromettes worldwide, Terror Firmer is an unforgettable look into the set of one of Troma's movies of the future! Featuring director Lloyd Kaufman in the role of blind director Larry Benjamin, Terror Firmer tells the story of a low budget film crew trying to make The Toxic Avenger Part IV, only to find themselves stalked by a sexually confused killer!A satirical schock-comic tro-masterpiece, Terror Firmer stands as the tro-magnum opus of blood, breasts, gore, satirical laughs that will stick with you forever! And that's not even including the extra features!A second disc features the feature length making-of documentary, "Farts of Darkness," which is must-see viewing for anyone interested in making their own damn movie!With over two hours of extra features, Terror Firmer delivers the troma-riffic goods!

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