Through My Eyes Review

Through My Eyes
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"Through My Eyes" is a must-see for all Christians who are serious about living out the Gospel as it paves the way for reflective dialog among those who are seeking to put into practice Christ's message to "love one another as I have loved you." In this DVD, over two dozen Christians in their teens and twenties share their stories of what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God, who happen to have been born gay, and who long above all else to worship God with their entire being and desire that His holy and perfect will be done in their lives.
Not just a message for Christian communities who want to understand more of what it means to be Christian and gay, "Through My Eyes" is a testimony of the lives that Christ has changed through His love. This video will enhance every church's library as it provides fruit for discussion among Sunday school classes, youth and adult ministries, and other groups searching for what it means to love without condition.
As a Christian who has struggled with being gay my entire life, this video has provided me with the voice(s) to share my faith with friends and family. Like these ladies and gentlemen in the video, I didn't know how to reconcile being Christian and gay--mainly because I thought I was the only one. I felt that I had to fix who I was by continually praying for God to change me. I no longer feel that there is something that needs to be "fixed" because I now know nothing was broken in the first place; I was created in a manner exactly as God intended me to be. I now realize that I'm not alone: that there are others who are gay and have committed their lives to following the voice of the Good Shepherd by living out His message in our daily lives.

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