Triggerman Review

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Terence Hill continues the adventures of 'DOC WEST' in this direct sequel to the original. The same characters return with the same actors with a surprise appearance by Euro actress Ornella Muti making it seem Hill may be creating a potential series. It seems our hero is still in the town of Holy Sands and is running out of money to send to his daughter so West's inamorata who is the teacher in town suggests building a hospital. Naturally, it takes money so it doesn't take long for West and the Sheriff played excellently by Paul Sorvino to set up a major poker tournament so that West, the best poker player in the area, can clean up and win. Naturally, their are bad guys around to put a wrench in the proceedings which makes this outing a bit grittier than the first film. However, the sentimentality is still there and the credits including the continuation of Maurizio De Angelis's great music score are up to the standards of the original. If you liked the first one (like I did), you'll love this one. It's worth it just to see the great Terence Hill looking comedic and lethal in the same shot and bringing honor and loyalty back to the Western genre. Doc, you rule!!

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