Permanent Record (1988) Review

Permanent Record (1988)
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"PERMANENT RECORD" is the story of how a suicide affects OTHER peoples' lives. The first time I viewed this I kept trying to figure out WHY David Sinclair (Alan Boyce) killed himself. That is not the focus of the film and is barely even touched upon. I like countless other viewers I'm sure STILL really wanted to know WHY a bright, attractive, loving, popular, talented young man with EVERYTHING going for him would kill himself. We just aren't supposed to understand. LET GO OF THE "WHY?!" (very hard I know if you are at all like me! I want to know Why about Everything! Frustrating indeed!) and you will really enjoy this Amazing movie about Remembering but Moving On.
PERMANENT RECORD opens at the ocean cliffs with all the teens hanging out together. I could sense the closeness of the entire group: David, Chris (Keanu Reeves), MG (Michelle Meyrink), Kim (Pam Gidley), and Lauren (Jennifer Rubin) and others from the school--no words needed. This movie contains one of the best casts I've ever come across; acting so superb it dominates all other movie components. Everyone was fantastic; however, Chris (Keanu) and Lauren (Jennifer) give the best performances humanly possible in my humble opinion.
PERMANENT RECORD is about LIFE. (Ironic isn't it? Hmmmmm...) It's about fun and friendship, music and laughter, fear and anxiety, tension and tragedy, confusion and guilt, grief and anger, helplessness and regretfulness, acceptance and nostalgia, and finally after all those emotions have been taken to the extreme and exhausted, Then and ONLY THEN can you FINALLY MOVE ON...never forgetting though, mind you...just accepting--ACCEPTING IS SO HARD!!! I know but you can do it. You must. You must.
Chris and David's relationship was very strong and deep but I think Chris doesn't realize how much he really loved David until he was gone--maybe that is the point. And although we don't see what happens to the others left behind, it is definitely implied, to me anyway, that they go on to become Extraordinary because of the Experience. Suffering is Very Painful but a necessary part of life that will make you stronger, you'll see. It may also inspire you to do Great things once the raging, torrential, bitter storm clouds have finally...Finally...Passed.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS MOVIE. PERMANENT RECORD is wonderful from start to finish and the ending couldn't have been better. The title of the movie says it all. It will leave a "Permanent Record" in your mind and heart that will not be soon forgotten. Please pay close attention to the song playing at the ending/credits. "Wishing on Another Lucky Star."
Another awesome movie about suicide that I highly recommmend, maybe even more than this (!) is "TRAGEDY" with Molly Ringwald, River Phoenix, Paul Sorvino, Ellen Burstyn and Marsha Mason. Get your hands on both of these movies and go through every emotion you have inside you...
Suicide isn't the answer.
Kellye Joy

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