Ultimate Heist (2009) Review

Ultimate Heist (2009)
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Let me start this review by saying that I am a big fan of Jean Reno, and without his name I wouldn't have seen this half-baked French film "Le premier cercle" ("Ultimate Heist"), in which Jean Reno plays Milo Malakian, head of a crime family thinking of retirement. "Le premier cercle" has one great thing about it and it is, not surprisingly, Jean Reno himself. Sadly he and his charismatic acting is the only thing I can recommend about the film.
Jean Reno is credible as Milo, head of the Malakian clan. Gaspard Ulliel ("A Very Long Engagement" "Hannibal Rising") is his son Anton. Anton is beginning to be fed up with his father's business. Anton is also in love with a care worker Elodie (Vahina Giocante) and thinks of leaving his family when his father devises a plan for a big heist.
This film may be promoted as a heist movie, but its "heist" is only uninteresting and unoriginal part of the narrative, which is more about the relations between Reno's character and others surrounding him. There is a shoot-out sequence, which is simply bland and uninspired. However, what is really frustrating is not the absence of "big" actions, but the lazy and unimaginative storytelling of the director Laurent Tuel. In spite of the decent jobs from the capable cast, the film fails to build up the tension. The strained relationships between characters lack emotional impact, which the film desperately needs.
If you are an avid Jean Reno fan like me, you might love this one. He is as wonderful as ever, believable as concerned father and ruthless killer. Otherwise, just stay away and watch "Ronin" instead.

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