Clare and Francis Review

Clare and Francis
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I agree with the other reviewer's that this is surely the best film yet on St. Francis and St. Clare. Some of the things that stand out about it are:
- historical accuracy - it follows the historical details closer than the other films on the lives of these popular saints, including such scenes usually not in other films like their creation of the first living Nativity scene, Francis meeting with the head of the Muslims during the Crusades, and Francis encountering the dangerous wolf who befriends him
- greater presence of Clare - in all other films Clare is more of a secondary character, but in this film she is clearly given equal status and importance as Francis, with her name even appearing first in the film title
- combines authentic spirituality with social concern - this film really balances the deep spiritual focus of both saints with their love and concern for others
- exquisite cinematography, and uniformly excellent acting performances

This is a very beautifully produced film with outstanding acting performance by the two leads, as well as the rest of the cast.
Plus the DVD includes some nice "extras" like good film segments on the "Making of" and "Behind the scenes". And a wonderful Collector's Booklet with saint bios, film commentary, study questions, color photos, etc.
Bottom line - this film version has it all and is a real cinematic and spiritual treasure. Get it!

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