Romeo Must Die (2000) Review

Romeo Must Die (2000)
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When I heard that Jet Li was going to be a lead in an action movie produced by Joel Silver, I was very excited. Before I give a review, I'm not biased to Jet Li because our crew interviewed him and promoted his movie online. I'm not biased to liking this movie because I have been a big fan of his work. I loved this movie because it features wonderful action scenes, an interesting focus on using the African Americans and Asians working together and it features a lot of cool people in the movie.
The storyline is pretty cool and purists of Jackie Chan, Jet Li and Chow Yun Fat are going to be angry at the US movies because such movies don't do justice to what talent they have demonstrated on the HK movies they have been in and I truly understand that.
Another thing is people might feel the MATRIX style fighting hurts this movie. I don't think so. Personally, some fight scenes are a exaggerated and I agree with that but a lot of the other fight scenes are very awesome such as the scenes in the stairs, the football scene, the fire hose scene...awesome!
Others maybe upset that the interracial relationship was not strong enough and were upset there was no kiss scene between Alliyah and Jet. We asked Jet about that and he said that in the end (without spoiling the movie for you), after a bad situation happens to a family member, should you be kissing a girl you just met. So, Jet had a good reason for that. [Note: You can our interview with Jet Li at]
So, however you felt about the movie, to each their own. I really enjoyed it! In fact, at the theater in San Jose/Santa Clara, it was packed and people gave it a standing ovation. I'm happy to see Jet's first debut in a lead role for an English movie.
What didn't I like about the film? I didn't dig the use of the X-RAY scenes in the violent parts. That was the major thing I didn't like but everything else, I enjoyed.
Now, the DVD. The colors were very beautiful for this movie. I don't recall any major artifacting. The audio for the film is very good as well but what makes this DVD shine is the special features. Not only do you get the regular trailer, the international trailer but you get two Alliyah music videos, the making of the music video "Try Again", you get many short documentaries, the HBO featurette and the behind-the-scenes vignette. The insights to how the film was filmed is so interesting, if you are a Jet Li or Alliyah fan, the extras are also a major reason to buy this DVD. Really interesting information from each actor and from those who worked behind-the-scenes. So, the DVD will definitely keep you busy for awhile.
So, you can't go wrong with this DVD. Very cool!!!

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They've got the guns. They've got the posse. But they've got no chance when a street-fighting ex-cop (Jet Li) takes on both sides of a fierce Oakland turf war, involving "the wildest action scenes since The Matrix!" (Bill Bregoli, Westwood One).DVD Features:Documentary:8 Short Documentaries (26:56)Featurette:Making of Romeo Must Die (15:00) Behind the Scenes (14:03)Music Video:Aaliyah's "Try Again" video (3:40) Making of Aaliyah's "Try Again" music video (4:11) Aaliyah/DMX "Come Back In One Piece" video (3:42)Other:Inside the Visual Effects Process (3:52) "Diary of a (Legal) Mad Bomber" (5:07) "Anatomy of a Stunt" (7:12) "The Sound Stage" (1:00)Theatrical Trailer:Sampler

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