Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/The Spy Who Shagged Me/Goldmember (1997) Review

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery/The Spy Who Shagged Me/Goldmember (1997)
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It's hard to believe almost 10 years have gone by since we first saw Mike Myers' Austin Powers character for the first time. These are among the funniest films made at the close of the 20th Century. For the most part, they are chock full of sightgags and silly puns and give Mike Myers ample opportunity to wear funny costumes and try out as many joke accents as possible. Myers rises to the occassion each time out, eventually playing 4 characters at once ala Peter Sellers.
As introduced in the first film (International Man of Mystery), Austin is swinging 60s' superspy who thinks he's a lot hipper than he really is. Think Sammy Davis Jr trapped in Davy Jones' body and you'll have an idea of what Austin is like before seeing him. Also introduced in the first film is Dr Evil (also played by Myers), a cross between Blofeld and Ed Sullivan. If anything, Dr. Evil has even better lines and gags than Austin himself.
The three films primarily spoof the James Bond series. The first film has strong overtones of both 'Diamonds are Forever' and 'Casino Royale' but Myers goes totally bonkers in the second film (Spy Who Shagged Me), in which 'Star Wars' and 'Moonraker' are yanked in for a well-deserved ribbing. The second film doesn't break as much ground as the first, but is arguably the funniest of the three as leading lady Heather Graham is the perfect partner in crime to Mike Myers' Austin character. Graham is the funniest of Austin's three leading ladies. Unfortunately, the third film (Goldmember) declines after a very strong start, coming across as a stitched-together effort to wring the last bucks out of the Powers franchise. If the series has a flaw, it's that few of the characters seem drawn from life, rather than pieced together as parodies.
If you like one Austin Powers movie, you'll like all three to various degrees. At this price, this is a good time to replace your battered VHS copies with nice, fresh DVDs.

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The most colorful special agent, Austin Powers, will keep you laughing as he thwarts the efforts of the infamous Dr. Evil in this 3-pack of instant classic comedies. Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery; Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me; Austin Powers in Goldmember

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