The Midnight Horror Collection: Road Trip to Hell (2010) Review

The Midnight Horror Collection: Road Trip to Hell (2010)
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I'm reviewing Sheltered, which is part of the Midnight Horror Collection.
It's about a group of young teens who experience car trouble in the middle of a dangerous storm, and a nearby bartender takes the kids to his house for the night.
Of course the kids don't realize the bartender is actually a psychotic killer.
The storyline develops slowly, but with a pretty fair amount of suspense so you know something good (like for example, splattered guts and blood, slashing knife action, and a ripe situation for a gruesome environment) is eventually coming. It's just a matter of *when*.
Yes, Sheltered follows the typical "one death at a time while the teens run around the house scared to death wondering who's next" routine. Despite the predictability in THAT regard however, Sheltered basically provides everything a fan of horror is looking for. Not quite as low budget as the Craving for example (which is the name of another movie on the same collection). Sheltered is MUCH better.
There's even a good storyline between the killer and a young guy named Joey. You'll probably be wondering where these particular segments are heading while watching the movie.
Overall yes, a film I highly recommend.

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