The Christmas Gift Review

The Christmas Gift
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This movie has been a holiday favorite of mine since I first saw it. I've always been a huge fan of John Denver, his music, and have loved him as an actor as well. I think he really shines in this movie. It's warm, meaningful, and fun as well. It always brings a smile to my face and tears to my eyes, especially as the main character John Denver plays, George Billings, sings a song to his movie daughter about finding love again.
Here is a man not looking forward to the Chrismas holiday season, as he lost his wife a year before at Christmas. He wants to throw himself into his work, get away from his New York apartment and everything that reminds him of his wife and his loss.
He takes his daughter to Georgetown, Colorado(oh how I would love and give just about anything to live in a town like this!) on a "supposed" vacation, which is actually a mission from his slave-driver, money-grubbing boss to search out the "pickings"...i.e., find out if this quaint, beautiful town can be turned into a money-making resort.
What George doesn't expect is to fall in love with this town and it's wonderful residents who all amazingly, from child to oldest adult, have a deep belief in Santa Claus.
I love all the quirky fun characters in this movie. I love seeing the antagonist, George Billing's boss, Mr. Renfield, get taken down a peg or two by the town standing together to keep him from buying out their town. I love Aunt Hennie, her jolly brother Bud Sawyer of Busy Bee cab company, Susan, George's new surprising(to him) love interest, Jake Richards, Scruff, and the wonderful Alex, George's daughter, excellently played by Gennie James. (I wonder what happened to her?).
This movie will always be a favorite of mine, moreso now since I have experienced the same thing as George Billings. 5 years ago, at Christmas time, I lost my husband. Christmas had always been a favorite holiday of ours, along with our son, and losing him at that time was so hard. I lost interest in the holiday for a long time.
Happily now, I have a wonderful new husband of one year and am ecstatically looking forward to the holidays. Yes you can find love again! I am proof of that! And he is awesome! Now if I can just find us a place to live in the beautiful tress with seasons and snow at Christmas, I will truly be in heaven. (big smile)
I encourage everyone to buy this movie and make it a family holiday tradition as I have. It will warm your hearts. Oh yes, I absolutely believe in Santa Claus! =D
Now if only I could find a copy of this move on DVD....

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