Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer (1985) Review

Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer (1985)
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My Goodness! Just when I thought that this movie was out of print I come across this wonderful link at Amazon.com! Oh, how I could kiss them!
If you are looking for an 80s cartoon to bring back the good ol' days in animation you can stop here and click the "Add to Shopping Cart" button, because you have found THE most perfect 80s cartoon of all time. People of all ages, male or female will love this movie! Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer is full of colorful animation (excuse the pun) and great songs that just make you want to get up and dance like it's the 80s all over again.
Rainbow Brite must deal with her greatest adversary yet: an evil Princess who wants to take the greatest light in the world and keep it to herself, thus causing all of the color to disappear from the world. (no light = no colors!) This is an even bigger job than trying to fight Murky or Lurky! Along the way, Rainbow Brite meets a new friend and she learns that working together really does help. Only friendship and unselfishness can save the day!
This is a rare treat to find on the web, so if you really must have an 80s cartoon to keep you going, THIS IS A MUST HAVE! It definitely made my day (as it will over and over on my television set for years to come ^_~)!!

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