Working Miracles (2009) Review

Working Miracles (2009)
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Going into the movie completely "blind folded", I can't say I was surprised by the theme of this movie. Was it well acted? Yes. Was it well executed? Yes. But it is for everyone? I'm not so sure. Having been raised in a Christian family, I can't say that I'm one of the most religious person out there, but I didn't find this movie particular hard to swallow either.
The movie is basically a family drama about a guy who has the ability to heal people and living things by touching them. I won't go into the details of the movie here, as as far as family dramas go, this movie is, unfortunately, pretty generic. Take an episode of 7th heaven and have it expanded to 90 mins, and you'll probably end up with this movie. If you are looking for a decent family drama with a bit of religious twist to it, this is for you.

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