Invasion of the Star Creatures/Invasion of the Bee Girls (1973) Review

Invasion of the Star Creatures/Invasion of the Bee Girls (1973)
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(3.5/5 stars) I agree with the other reviewers that this is an odd pairing because "Invasion of the Star Creatures" is a black and white movie suitable for nearly all ages, while "Invasion of the Bee Girls" is an R-rated movie with sex, nudity and violence. I started to watch "Invasion of the Star Creatures," but it was so bad I could not finish it. Perhaps someday. This is more a review of the flip side, "Invasion of the Bee Girls" (aka "Graveyard Tramps"). Knowing nothing about this prior to viewing it, I was pleasantly surprised. Someone, or some thing, is having sex with the townswomen's husbands until they die (not that the men are complaining). The Bee Girls recruit the townswomen too, making the "threat" difficult to contain. Agent Agar (William Smith) is brought in to investigate, giving the movie a semblance of legitimacy. This is the type of neat little movie that doesn't try to overextend itself despite a limited budget. The few special effects are not very elaborate and work well enough for a movie of this scope. The filmmakers recognize the fact most people will not watch this for the special effects or sci-fi components, but rather for gratuitous nudity. On this count it delivers. Yes, it is trashy, but it knows its audience, does well with what it has and is also competent enough to avoid being too easily dismissed. Get this DVD for this movie and consider the other one a bonus.

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