Colossus - The Forbin Project (2010) Review

Colossus - The Forbin Project (2010)
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I got a chance to see an advance copy of this today, and to my disappointment, this DVD is a so-called "Full Frame" transfer (in other terms, Pan & Scan).
Colossus: The Forbin Project was shot in 2.35:1 (I have it on laser disc in widescreen) so you will be losing more than half of the image on this version.
What a shame! This is a classic SF movie, and it deserves to be seen as it was photographed. Sure, the price is low, but when you don't get the real film, so what? In any case, it may be reissued some day with in the special edition form it deserves, and then you'll have to buy it again. Purchase not recommended.
"No widescreen, no sale!"

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