Sesame Street - A Magical Halloween Adventure (1969) Review

Sesame Street -  A Magical Halloween Adventure (1969)
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My son loves Sesame Street and has since he was a year old. He's not Elmo-crazed but he does love Elmo along with Cookie Monster (his favorite), Ernie, the Count and Baby Bear. I was trying to stay away from Elmo says BOO! because I bought him Elmo Saves Christmas last year and he won't watch it all the way through (I think it's too much elmo and not enough of the other guys) wich is why I picked this Halloween DVD. It's got more characters in it. This DVD is basically about the rituals of Halloween and what people do on the holiday for example it's got a trip to an apple cider factory to show how they make apple cider.
The movie's educational and I, personally, like it but I think it's more for a 4+ child, not toddlers. If your child is 4yrs or older then I think it'll be an excellent choice.
We've got It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie brown wich he loves & The Nightmare Before Christmas (or what he calls "JACK") wich he loves but I wouldn't recommend for toddlers. I guess we'll try Elmo says BOO! Wish us luck and Happy Halloween! :)

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