I Told You Not To Call The Police (2010) Review

I Told You Not To Call The Police (2010)
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With a name like Bill Zebub, you probably have a pretty good idea of what you're getting in terms of film quality, acting, and plot. That should frame your expectations, so you don't complain that the camera work doesn't hold up when compared with Titanic, or something ludicrous like that. It is pretty much what it claims to be. You'll see a variety of young women stripped, have demeaning sexual acts performed upon them, and threatened heartily. The majority of the movie is seen from the perspective of the rapist. That's...pretty much it. It suffices as a plot, puts things into some kind of context, but probably won't engage your mind very much. Overall, not very enjoyable to my tastes. The women were all fairly attractive, goth-type chicks. They do appear to get completely nude, and the camera wanders over them to reveal lots of detail (but little enough that "appear to get" is the operative phrase here). The 'action', such as it is, is focused on the humiliation of being raped by a stranger, with the unusual addition that rapist forces one woman's father to do the honors. Visually, it's about what you'd expect. Fit, young women are shown with some good lighting, but the camera is kind of unsteady at times. The droning background music is repetitive which inspires more of a feeling of annoyance than the dread that was obviously intended. Plot-wise...yeah, I've talked about that already. The 'surprise ending' isn't. After the ending, there are a series of advertisements for Mr. Zebub's other work, which promise to be much more active but less revealing.
Anyway, I sated my curiosity, but it'll be a while before I watch another Bill Zebub movie. I don't feel completely ripped-off, at the price I paid.

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