Fortress (2006) Review

Fortress (2006)
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Like many people who have seen this film, I saw it when I was a kid in the early 1980s on HBO. The plot revolves around a young school teacher and the children of various ages that she teaches in a schoolhouse in Australia. The teacher and the children are kidnapped by men wearing masks who are planning on holding their victims for a hefty ransom and perhaps a little "fun" with the teacher and the eldest girl. The movie is suspenseful and full of action as the victims escape from one holding area to another until the end when they take a stand, make a fortress, and take things into their own hands.
Scenes from this movie have stuck with me my whole life. I had nightmares for weeks about the masked bandits coming after me and for awhile I could never look at a Daffy Duck mask the same again. I also vividly remember the students and teacher making a last stand at the old cave where they made their fortress. I was always impressed by how crafty those group of kids were and always hoped I could be as cunning in a similar situation.
This is a great movie. Unfortunately, it's very difficult to find. It's rather rare on video, video stores just don't carry it (I've looked in over 20 different ones and not one carries it), and I search the cable guides weekly but haven't seen it listed since around 1990. Hopefully, the fine folks at HBO will wise up and re-release this film on VHS and DVD soon.

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Item Name: Fortress; Studio:Warner Home Video

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