The Trail to Hope Rose Review

The Trail to Hope Rose
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I bought this film based only on the fact that I was desparate for the release of a western for my collection that was NOT done before 1990. The market is being flooded with old releases of the 40's, 50's, and 60's at the moment.Well done with very good performances from LDP and Ernest Borgnine. Set in a mining community, Lou Diamond Phillips finds himself fresh out of prison and looking for a job. He finds one, backed by a local sherrif who wants to see him do good. LDP had been sent to prison and was not the guilty party. The sheriff suspects this. While working exceeding hard at the mine and contantly being tormented by the mine owner's son, LDP meets a young woman being brutilized by her boyfriend. Natural course of things is that LDP befriends her and by the last third of the movie a romance occurs. Ernest Borgnine owns a ranch bordering on the mine owner's land and the mine owner wants it! He befriends LDP and aids him in the fight against the mine owner. He plays a jolly, kind hearted man in this part. I will keep my copy to watch again and it is definately a bargain priced western well worth picking up for those fans of this genre and even the ladies will enjoy it.

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