Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997) Review

Into Thin Air: Death on Everest (1997)
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The making of this movie was quite an undertaking. Unfortunately, it never quite makes the grade. The characters are not developed. Instead, they are caricatures of those whom they purport to be.
One expedition leader, the late Scott Fischer, comes across as a mellow, disorganized, bumbling dude. One of his expedition guides, the late Anatoli Boukreev, is depicted as a self centered, Neanderthal like he-man, who clearly differs with his boss on what his role as a guide is to be.
Another expedition leader, the late Rob Hall, fares somewhat better, in that he is portrayed as an organized, stand up expedition leader, who puts the welfare of his clients above his own. His much publicized radio farewll to his pregnant wife is included as part of the drama.
Socialite Sandy Hill Pittman seems to represent conspicuous consumption and is depicted as a self-absorbed, rich bitch with little regard for the Sherpas whom she treats as little more than human yaks. Texan Beck Weathers fares little better, as he is characterized as a buffoon. I am sure that, were he to see this movie, he would wish that they'd have left him on Everest.
The actor who plays Jon Krakauer's character has the thankless role of Greek chorus. He is there to basically tie up loose ends in the movie. He portrays Krakauer as a dour, humorless human being who, were it not for the fact that he is a talented writer, would have been pushed off the Lhotse face of Everest by some enterprising soul. Last, but certainly not least, are the Sherpas, who are shown as wise, brave, put upon souls. Now here, the movie is hitting its mark.
The cinematography is laughable. Numerous shots of a mountain purporting to be Everest are easily spotted as shots of a mountain other than Everest. Since when is Everest without its signature tell tale plume, waving banner like in the sky?
Let me cut to the chase. Read the well written book upon which the movie is based, "Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer. Do not bother with this movie, unless, like me, you are an Everest junkie and a glutton for punishment. It is the only reason that I rated the movie with two stars instead of just one. Even so, it is still pretty much of a stinker.

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Re-creates the true-life struggle for survival on top of the world's highest mountain on May 10, 1996.Genre: Feature Film-Action/AdventureRating: NRRelease Date: 31-AUG-2004Media Type: DVD

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