The Amityville Horror Collection (The Amityville Horror/ The Amityville Horror II: The Possession/ The Amityville Horror III: The Demon/ Bonus Disc - Amityville Confidential) (1983) Review

The Amityville Horror Collection (The Amityville Horror/ The Amityville Horror II: The Possession/ The Amityville Horror III: The Demon/ Bonus Disc - Amityville Confidential) (1983)
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The Amityville Horror Collection is a nice little DVD box set. You get 3 movies: The Amityville Horror / Amityville II: The Possession / Amityville 3-D, and a Bonus Disc - Amityville Confidential. Now nothing can compare to the original Amityville Horror as the newer ones got a bit out of hand. Im here to focus more on the DVD collection rather than the movies. This Collection will truly be appreciated by fans of the Amityville movies. You get a lot of great stuff with this collection. First you get a choice of either a High Definition, 16x9 Widescreen version of the film or a regular Full screen version. You also get great 5.1 Dolby Digital sound that brings new life to these films along with a choice of a regular mono track. The movies also include subtitle options in English, Spanish, and French. The amazing clarity makes the movies look like they just came out yesterday. These are HUGE improvements when compared to the old VHS versions of these films. Some of the other extras on this collection are: Audio Commentary by Dr. Hans Holzer, Ph.D. in parapsychology, "For God's Sake, Get Out" documentary, Radio spots, and the Original theatrical trailers. You get to see the theatrical trailer for THE AMITYVILLE 2005 remake which (in the bonus disc) they say the new movie is more based on the book than the original movie, and with the technology now days they can do more things from the book that they cound not do in the original film. You even get a free movie ticket to see The Amityville Horror (2005) staring Ryan Reynolds. Last but not least you get an awesome BONUS DISC called The Amityville Confidential. On the Bonus disc you get 3 great features:
1. On Location: A short little behind the scenes making of The NEW Amityville Horror (2005 Remake) which is released in the U.S. Apil 15, 2005.
2. The History Channel documentary Amityville: Horror or Hoax?
3. The History Channel documentary Amityville: The Haunting
What can I say this is a great DVD Collection with some great stuff. I encourage anyone who appreciates these movies to get this great collection. This is well worth the money for all that you get!

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On Moonlight Bay (1951) Review

On Moonlight Bay (1951)
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By 1951 Doris Day had become one of the most valuable assets at Warner Brothers. She was their number one female box-office draw and as a follow-up to her hugely popular 1950 musical with Gordon MacRae, "Tea for Two" the pair were teamed up again (their 3rd teaming in fact) in the technicolor "On Moonlight Bay".
Loosely based on the "Penrod" tales by Booth Tarkington, "Bay" is a nostalgic, lovingly created look at small town Americana, a world that might not have existed quite as it is depicted but a place we'd like to believe really was.
Doris Day is a tomboy, more at home on the baseball field or fixing a car than in a dress. The arrival of the boy next door changes some of that, though not all. Her precocious brother Wesley is the devil incarnate. Mom and Dad spend a lot of time scratching their heads in bemused wonderment at their youngsters antics, and the family maid is erascible but likeable. It's all tied up with gorgeous technicolor photography and a lot of lovely music.
Some critics have carped that it's Warners version of "Meet Me in St. Louis" but "On Moonlight Bay" can stand on its own merits thanks to a great cast and some genuinely sweet and funny moments.
Doris is perfect as Marjorie, effectively balancing the tomboy and blossoming young lady elements of her character and singing in that gorgeous voice that is distinctly her own. Gordon MacRae is stalwart as the object of her affection and it's obvious that the two have a genuine feeling for one another. They remained good friends until his untimely passing. Their rendition of "Till We Meet Again" is outstanding.
It's easy to believe that the cast is really a family. Leon Ames and Rosemary DeCamp as the parents are warmly winning. In 1984 I had the pleasure of joining Miss DeCamp and her husband, a retired California Judge at an awards dinner and we talked about this film among others and she glowed as she discussed the on-set atmosphere and interactions of the cast.
Bill Gray (of "Father Knows best" fame) is delightful and funny as Wesley, and who could have played the family maid better than Mary Wickes. This was the 1st of 4 on-screen roles opposite Day who was a lifelong friend. In addition Wickes did a very funny guest shot on Day's CBS Television series in 1969.
"On Moonlight Bay" was such a huge success for Warners that two years later they reteamed most of the cast for an equally popular sequel, "By the Light of the Silvery Moon".
Take a sail on Moonlight Bay and you'll be surprised at how much you enjoy the trip.

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sical about a family that moves to a small Indiana town and their tomboy daughter who begins a romance with the neighbor across the street, who bears radically unconventional views on love and money.

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Tupac Uncensored and Uncut: The Lost Prison Tapes (2011) Review

Tupac Uncensored and Uncut: The Lost Prison Tapes (2011)
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New Video/Flatiron films is about to release TUPAC: THE LOST PRISON TAPES on DVD January 25, 2011. This is the full 45 minute uncut interview he conducted while in locked up at the Clinton Correctional Facility in 1995. While this footage has been cannibalized for other Tupac docs and on Youtube, this is the first time the full uncut interview has ever been officially released.
I can honestly say I've seen at least 42 minutes of this interview before, in various configurations throughout the years, but having it here in one complete package is nice. Tupac--crazy, drunk, high or thoughtful always captivates me. I can watch this stuff again and again and not get bored. However, it's sad to think that less than 18 months after this interview was taped, his body would be riddled with bullets, near lifeless on the Las Vegas Strip.
This is the thoughtful Tupac in one of his best interviews. Director Ken Peters asks thoughtful questions. Pac delivers honest, truthful answers. His mind sharp and clear--blunted on reality. He's self reflexive, outlining his philosophy on Thug life, laughing at how the power of his words prophesied his prison stint being in jail (one of his famous quotes was "I never had a record before I got a record [deal]."). He talks about his ambitions as an artist once he gets out of jail and the hard lessons he's learned. At the end he mentions he's newly signed to Death Row records (leaving us with a glimpse at the nightmare that would follow) .
It's sad to think that he (in a way) sold his soul for freedom, and lost sight of his intentions to make a better way for his people. Was this his intention? All the money tossing, misogyny and violence that would mark his time at Death Row? Or were there two sides to 'Pac -- the spirits of both Malcom X vs. Huey Newton fighting for attention inside of one damaged, angry soul?I urge you to watch this video then come to your own conclusion.
In 2011, Shakur would have been 40 years old. A major motion picture biography of Tupac, directed by Antoine Fuqua, is currently in production. American author and activist Kevin Powell recently announced he will begin writing Shakur's first authorized biography.
While this would be an awesome extra to a feature-length Pac doc (Ressurrection, Thug Angel and Thug Immortal being the best out there), the lack of Special features make this hard to recommend to anyone but the diehard 'Pac fanatic. Picture and sound quality are perfect. If you can find it cheap, grab it and gain some insight into one of music's most enigmatic and tortured geniuses.

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Kipper - Playtime (2005) Review

Kipper - Playtime (2005)
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This Kipper video features 7 episodes and runs for 1 hour.
For newcomers, this cartoon is simply and beautifully illustrated, moves at a leisurely pace, and teaches life lessons without being preachy.
The episodes included are as follows:
The treasure hunt- Tiger brings over a metal detector but gets frustrated when he finds nothing but junk with it. Kipper helps out by burying his piggy bank for Tiger to find.
Looking after Arnold- Kipper babysits little Arnold one afternoon, and exhausts himself (I'm sure parents of toddlers can relate to that one).
Tiger's Joke Box- Tiger plays practical jokes on everyone, and ends up being the butt of a joke himself
Pig's Sweater- really funny, Pig insists on wearing his new sweater, even if it's sweltering outside.
Clay Time- the whole gang has fun with a potter's wheel.
The Magic Carpet- Kipper takes a trip to the moon and meets friendly aliens. (Your child may ask for a magic carpet after this one).
Kipper the Hero- Kipper helps rescue a kitten caught in a tree.
My almost 4 year old will watch nothing but Kipper. I actually find myself laughing along with the characters when I watch with him.

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Meet Kipper, a loveable dog with a big imagination! Today's the day to join Kipper, Tiger, Jake, Pig and Arnold in their wonderful world of magic and fun. Every day is playtime with Kipper and his friends. While playing with Arnold, Kipper discovers that baby-sitting his little pig friend can be exhausting! Does Arnold ever get tired of playing? In another episode, Tiger thinks it's funny to play tricks on his friends. But once they discover the greatest treasure – a caring friend. It's all in a day's play in these delightful stories from Kipper!

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The Exorcist (Extended Director's Cut & Original Theatrical Edition) Review

The Exorcist (Extended Director's Cut and Original Theatrical Edition)
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For those of you that like The Exorcist and wondered if you should have seen the movie in the theaters *just* becuase it has some new scenes I can tell you it's definataly worth it.
The added scenes improve the continuity for the most part and provide a few new shocks (as if this movie needed more).
The soundtrack is radically reworked as well, employing newly scored music that adds to the mood of the movie.
There are new sound effects that have more "oomph" for the modern six channel digital sound.
Have the 25'th Anniversary tape? Saw the Spider walk scene in the Documentary? Well, in the new release, it's a different version and 10 times more creepy (it took a minute for the audience I was with to calm down).
It was great to see this in a theater and see people jaded by cookie cutter slasher flicks respond to this movie so well. This movie is not fast paced and that allows it to build up a foundation of dread and fear about the developing possession of the girl. Until it finally unleashes in the more horrifying scenes you've all heard about.
The overall color scheme of the movie is grayish and colorless, further drawing you into that fear and dread. The background music (the new and the limited amount utilized in the original version)has very little melody with a lot of sustained low chords. It doesn't call attention to itself but does unnerve you.
The possessed girl is probabaly one of the scariest faces in movie history. It's incredible that all that was really done to Linda Blair's face was to add a few asymetrical cuts, cover over her eyebrows and darken her sockets (giving her eyes a skull like look). But of course, it was the makeup master Dick Smith that was doing it so it's not too much of a surprise. The crowning feature of the scariest face was the unhuman look of the eyes, done with contact lenses.
The upcoming DVD of the "version you never saw" deserves a place in my colection and yours.
Besides a faithful transfer of the new version to DVD and the trailer, I can suggest that Warner Bros. include the tour of Washington sequence. This is another sequence that was not used in the final cut. It still exists but with no soundtrack. Putting it on the extras section of the DVD with an explanation of the missing soundtrack and subtitles would make this DVD an even better purchase for fans of the movie (like myself).

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Controversial and popular from the moment it opened, The Exorcist marks its historic Blu-ray premiere in a 2-Disc Edition featuring Stunning Hi-Def Presentations of the Original 1973 Theatrical Version and the 2000 Extended Director's Cut. The frightening and realistic tale of an innocent girl inhabited by a terrifying entity, her mother's frantic resolve to save her and two priests--one doubt-ridden, the other a rock of faith--joined in battling ultimate evil always leaves viewers breathless. This greatest supernatural thriller of all time astonishes and unsettles like no other movie.

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Charlotte's Web 2 - Wilbur's Great Adventure (2003) Review

Charlotte's Web 2 - Wilbur's Great Adventure (2003)
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We bought this DVD as an Easter present for our kids. My wife and I both have very fond memories of the original, and I was curious to see how this one stacked up. I really didn't think it was a bad movie at all. It concerns the continuing adventures of Wilbur the pig, Templeton the rat, and the rest of the barnyard critters of the original, including Charlotte's three children that we met at the end. There's a new baby lamb on the farm, Cardigan, who is ostracized from the other sheep because of his black fur. Wilbur, a pig who definitely knows the value of friendship, takes the lamb under his wing (so to speak). When a trip to the good old county fair results in Cardigan being sold to a neighboring farmer, Wilbur's concerns for his friend leads him, Templeton, and Charlotte's daughters on an adventure to find their friend.
The animation of the movie is very well done, much better than most direct-to-video releases, and the background paintings and such were also well done. In that regard, I was very pleasantly surprised. The voice-over acting was fairly faithful to the original, although I must admit to missing Paul Lynde as Templeton. The songs in the movie are OK but nothing particularly outstanding. I did notice, however, that time has been kind to Wilbur, melting quite a bit of weight off of him and giving him a nice cute patch of fluffy hair on top of his head. Fern, Wilbur's human friend and savior from the original, also appears to have gotten younger, and her friend Henry Fussy is nowhere in sight.
Basically, this is a cute movie, but it is nowhere near the absolutely stellar quality of the first. If you are someone, like me, who remembers the original fondly and think this might be a good movie for your kids, don't be afraid to pick it up. Your kids will enjoy it. However, if you are thinking that it will be as much of a classic as the original, I am afraid you will be disapponted. Still, all in all, it is a decent movie on its own.

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How the West Was Fun (1994) Review

How the West Was Fun  (1994)
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Kids should like this, especially if they are Mary-Kate and Ashley fans. The Olsen twins play Susie and Jessica, daugters of a single dad who gets an invitation to visit his relative's ranch. The girls' mother (who has passed away) loved to spend time at the ranch when she was the girls' age. While there, Susie and Jessica discover some secret treasures that belonged to their mom. Meanwhile, the ranch owner's son has evil plans to sell the ranch and turn it into a theme park. So the girls come up with a plan to save the ranch. "How The West Was Fun" is funny and sweet and a lot of fun. There's some action, but nothing too scary for kids, I don't think. Horses, nature, river rafting -- lots of fun outdoorsy stuff. It's not the very best Olsen Twins movie out there, but it's high on my list.

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Fastlane - The Complete Series (2008) Review

Fastlane - The Complete Series (2008)
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First let me say that I am a huge fan of Fastlane. I signed all the silly petitions to bring it back on air, to bring it to DVD, and so on. If I knew what they were going to do to the show for the DVD release, I would've kept my mouth shut.
First and foremost, the DVD release does not contain the same music as the aired series. Let that sink in.
So in the pilot episode, you aren't treated to The Vines, Limp Bizkit, and N.E.R.D. as you were on television, but rather some nameless hack band spouting generic platitudes about being "hip". This is ironic, considering the point of the show is to be bombastic and authentic. Instead we get the audio equivalent of "white socks and a Corolla," to quote the show. They don't even have the theme song for the opening credits.
Even worse, the DVD isn't widescreen. This would be fine if the show was originally aired fullscreen. But it was aired in widescreen. This is baffling. I get the music thing; it takes money to re-license tracks. But why not widescreen?
The show would get a 5-star rating, but the poor quality of the DVD is what gets 1 star. It's sad when the pirated version of the show that fans have been keeping on their hard drives for all these years is of superior quality to the trash I just paid money for. Get your act together, Warner Brothers.

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Van Ray and Deaq Hayes are cops, but they don't carry badges. They're more likely to carry a case full of Benjamins. Everything they need to fight high-end criminals, they get from the Candy Store – the armory of toys and bling confiscated from busted crimelords and used to help the cops pass as legit criminals. From creators McG (the Charlie's Angels movies) and John McNamara (TV's The Fugitive) comes the undercover overdrive of Fastlane. Tiffani Thiessen plays the hip Candy Store overseer. Peter Facinelli and Bill Bellamy are Van and Deaq, who may have different 'tudes about movies, tunes and hotties but who agree that what's good is taking down the bad. Buckle up for their fast, 6-disc, 22-episode ride.

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Mickey's Magical Christmas - Snowed in at the House of Mouse (1983) Review

Mickey's Magical Christmas - Snowed in at the House of Mouse (1983)
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There have been dozens of film adaptations of "A Christmas Carol" -- including particularly good ones starring George C. Scott and Patrick Stewart. "Mickey's Christmas Carol" is one of my favorites. The Disney characters take the roles in Charles Dickens's classic story of greed, ghosts and redemption. This also has the significance of being the first cartoon to feature the Scrooge McDuck character, who was created and popularized by Carl Barks in the Disney comic books. He is voiced here, and in most later appearances, by Alan Young (alias Wilbur from "Mr. Ed".)
You can't find it alone on video or DVD, but last year it was released in part of an anthology movie, "Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse." This movie is worth it for the Christmas Carol adaptation alone, but also has several new shorts and the 1952 classic "Pluto's Christmas Tree," that makes it worth picking up. The framing sequence is so-so -- a take on the "House of Mouse" cartoon show, but it's got nice bits and the Disney fans out there will appreciate it.

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Join Mickey and all your favorite Disney animated superstars-together for the first time ever-as they share a heartwarming holiday celebration and sing a special song, "The Best Christmas Of All," that captures this wondrous occasion.When a huge snowstorm leaves everyone stranded, Mickey and all of his guests at The House of Mouse, including Pooh, Piglet, Belle, Snow White, Ariel and many more of his old and new friends, break out the cookies and hot chocolate to help Donald mend his tattered Christmas spirit. The fun starts when Minnie pulls out their favorite holiday home movies and everyone starts to reminisce. Their magical memories soon put everyone in the Christmas mood-even grumpy Donald, who ultimately becomes the star of the evening. As everybody lifts their voices in joyful song, they realize that the "Best Christmas of All" is the one you share with all your friends!

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Testament (1983) Review

Testament (1983)
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Two anti-war films were released in 1983: The Day After and TESTAMENT. The former, released in the US as a made-for-TV movie, was visually sensational: missile launches, mushroom clouds, disfigured survivors, urban landscapes turned debris fields. However, the latter illustrates the notion that an understatement can sometimes be more compelling.
In TESTAMENT, Jane Alexander plays Carol Wetherly, the wife and mother of a 5-member family living in rural suburbia somewhere near Central California's Bay Area. Husband William Devane is off in San Francisco, never to return, the day the Soviet H-bomb falls upon it. Jane's character is left to manage alone the family's survival as their community, otherwise untouched directly by blast damage, copes with post-Holocaust disintegration. While some friends and neighbors leave the area for parts unknown, the Wetherlys remain.
TESTAMENT is not graphic in its depiction of nuclear war's devastation. What makes it absolutely compelling is the vision of a community, much like mine and possibly yours, and a particular family, everyday folks like you and me, facing the insidious effects of starvation and radiation sickness as they descend into the darkness necessarily to follow a nuclear exchange between superpowers. Ms. Alexander's performance is soul-wrenching and powerful, as when she cries out for God's damnation of those politicians that have reduced her world to an endless horror.
TESTAMENT is not a feel-good film, but certainly a great one. It's an exercise in bleak despair, and one which ultimately focuses on nothing more than the basic human instinct to survive - the final tribute to a species that has engineered the means for its own destruction.

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In TESTAMENT, an unexpected nuclear strike has occurred and no one knows who did it or why it happened.With her husband away on business, and now unable to be reached, Carol Weatherly must remain strong for the sake of her children.Things take a turn for the worse once food and other supplies become scarce. . The film is directed by Lynn Littman.

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E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) Review

E.T. - The Extra-Terrestrial  (1982)
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Let me explain something that I feel a lot of people are forgetting. This set doesn't only include the new version, but the old as well. That's a great deal, since you can choose which one you would like to see. If you hate the new effects and CGI, don't watch it. It's that simple.
Now don't get me wrong. I think the newer version is very silly, and I wonder if Spielberg really thought it looked good when he did it. Maybe if he were to do it in around 10 years, it wouldn't look so animated.
I did like the deleted bathroom scene though, even though it was done with CGI. It would have been nice to have seen that in the original, but I guess that would be having my cake and eating it too.
There is nothing flawed about this set, it simply just gives some options that not everyone will want to choose. If you enjoy the movie, you will enjoy this set. It's a classic that hasn't lost it's flavor after all these years.

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Disney's Learning Adventures - Winnie the Pooh - ABC's Review

Disney's Learning Adventures - Winnie the Pooh - ABC's
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We were disappointed with this. We were waiting for them to tackle up the whole alphabet in the movie....but to no avail. My son was not even thrilled with the movie itself (compared to their 123). He looks bored and does a lot of yawning to this. He'd ask for his WTP 123 instead. They just touched on very few letters, which doesn't even emphasize on them well. The Leap Frog Letter Factory is so much better. I would not recommend this especially for beginners. They might think that's all what the alphabet is about. Don't get this. Get the Leap Frog's version instead. But if your child adores Winnie the Pooh so much, get the 123 instead. A 3-star for some great credits like the animations & sounds.

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It's the first day of autumn, and Christopher Robin has written a book of rhymes about all of his friends in the Hundred Acre Wood. But when the pages of the book scatter in the wind, everyone must help put it back together. Now if Pooh can only remember how to rhyme, it just may save the day! WINNIE THE POOH ABC's provides an age-appropriate introductory lesson in literacy by conveying basic information about rhyming, highlighting the value of writing down words, explaining the connection between sounds and letters and familiar names, and illustrating how to form basic letters. Your preschooler will find learning irresistibly fun with Winnie the Pooh and all his pals in never-before-seen stories developed by Disney and leading educators! Discover Disney Learning Adventures, and give your child the priceless gift of learning that lasts a lifetime.

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The Complete Matrix Trilogy (The Matrix/ The Matrix Reloaded/ The Matrix Revolutions) (2003) Review

The Complete Matrix Trilogy (The Matrix/ The Matrix Reloaded/ The Matrix Revolutions)  (2003)
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I've had this set for a couple days now and have watched all three films. The picture quality is outstanding and the sound is too (though I thought the SD soundtrack was amazing too, not a discriminating ear). There are so many things I never really noticed in the original SD DVD releases. For instance in the second film when Morpheus is giving his speach at Zion. In the HD version you can see him spitting when he talks. I saw a parody of this scene at the MTV movie awards that year and didn't get it. I guess you had to of seen it at the theater.
Some other things is the skin imperfections some of the actors have. I don't care about that sort of thing, but thought it was really cool to see people the way they really are. Also, I think HD and BR are going to change the way makup is applied for films. You can definately see some lipstick and blush on the male actors in a couple scenes. To make a long review shorter, buy the Matrix in High Definition. Even if you have BR it's a matter of time before it's released there too. Pick it up! Don't let this become a format issue, review the quality of the movie. It's a big enough market for mulitple formats these days.
PS. This cheaper set comes with a free download of the Animatrix. So unless you want 10 hours of extras go with this cheaper set. Me, all I care about are the movies. I have the Lord of the Rings collectors sets and have never placed a bonus disc in my DVD player. Not the case for everyone.

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The Wiggles: Wiggle Around the Clock (2007) Review

The Wiggles: Wiggle Around the Clock (2007)
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Here we go again - another mixture of oldies, mostly from "Wake Up Jeff" with some new introductions and arrangements. The songs are the same, but the accompanying video has been updated, and some are now in cartoon format. On the positive side, at least The Wiggles showed up this time.
Song list:
1.We Like to Say Hello – from Wake Up Jeff (new video)
2.Henry's Underwater Big Band – from Wake Up Jeff (cartoon)
3.Having Fun at the Beach – from Wiggly Play Time and Wake Up Jeff (new video)
4.Bing Bang Bong (That's a Pirate Song) – from Wake Up Jeff (new video)
5.Wake Up Jeff – from Wake Up Jeff (new video, with a bed on the beach!)
6.Bucket of Dew/Paddy Condon From Cobar – from Wake Up Jeff (new video, Claire Field and friends dancing with paper rose petals falling around them)
7.Romp Bomp a Stomp - from Magical Adventure and Wake Up Jeff (new video with dancers in marching band costume, accompanied by children)
8.A Frog Went a Walking – cartoon – from the Wake Up Jeff CD
9.Take a Trip Out on the Sea – from Wake Up Jeff (new video, new boat, new children)
10.Dorothy (Would You Like to Dance?) – from Magical Adventure and Wake Up Jeff (new video, same dance steps)
11.We're Playing a Trick on the Captain – new song and skit by crew of SS Feathersword as in Sailing Around the World
12.Have a Happy Birthday Captain – new song done Greek style as in Sailing Around the World
13.I Can Do So Many Things – from Wake Up Jeff (new video)
14.Guess What? – from Wake Up Jeff CD (cartoon)
15.Wave to Wags – from Wake Up Jeff (new video, same dance steps)
16.Havenu Shalom Alachem – from Wiggly Play Time, Yummy Yummy and Wake Up Jeff (new video on the beach)
17.Walking on the Moon – (new song, Wiggles at a Space Centre in space suits)
18.Piper's Waltz – from Wake Up Jeff
Extras: A cartoon story "Greg's Musical Surprise"; Dorothy the Dinosaur talking about washing your hands and brushing your teeth (Warning! Maximum annoyance rating); Photo Gallery; TV Episodes 3 and 4 of "Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles" and the Song Jukebox.
If you have the "Wake Up Jeff" video and CD, and you've followed the TV shows, you really don't need this one, as the new material isn't worth the price.
However, if you're a Wiggles newbie, this one is much better than the last few Wiggles productions, and one you might want to get.Amanda Richards, April 28, 2006

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The One-Armed Swordsman (1967) Review

The One-Armed Swordsman (1967)
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Jimmy Wang Yu starred in many Shaw Bros. swordplay films in the 1960s, but it was THE ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN (1967), directed by the prolific Chang Cheh, that put him on the map as the leading action star of Hong Kong cinema at the time and shifted the direction of HK sword films to a harder-edged, bloodier style with a greater emphasis on martial arts. It was the first film of its type to stress the training aspect of swordplay and gives the hero a half-burned manual which teaches him left-hand sword techniques after his right arm had been chopped off in a jealous pique by his master's beautiful but impetuous daughter. Having gone into hiding with a loyal farm girl (whose father had been a swordsman and was the original owner of the manual), Wang Yu goes back into action, after the requisite training period, to aid his former master when his school comes under attack from evil swordsmen led by Long-Armed Devil and Smiling Face.
The villains have a lethal device on their swords which locks on to the sword of their opponent and enables them to deliver the killing blow with a dagger held in their right hands as they fight. Only Wang Yu's broken sword (left to him by his dead father, who was killed when he was a boy) can counteract the effects of the sword-lock.
Wang Yu had the proper dark and brooding quality for such a role and he is well served by the violent, bleak tone of the film. He returned to the role in one official sequel, the nonstop slaughterfest, THE RETURN OF THE ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN (1968), and later went to a rival studio to star in ONE-ARMED BOXER (1971). Shaw Bros. countered with THE NEW ONE-ARMED SWORDSMAN (1971), starring David Chiang in the title role, which had less intensity and more spectacle.

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(Action/Comedy) A young woman marries a dying senior member of a martial arts family in order to protect her family's fortunes, leading to a duel with a greedy relative.

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The Legendary Jerry Collection (The Bellboy / Cinderfella / The Delicate Delinquent / The Disorderly Orderly / The Errand Boy / The Family Jewels / The Ladies Man / The Nutty Professor / The Patsy / The Stooge) (1964) Review

The Legendary Jerry Collection (The Bellboy / Cinderfella / The Delicate Delinquent / The Disorderly Orderly / The Errand Boy / The Family Jewels / The Ladies Man / The Nutty Professor / The Patsy / The Stooge) (1964)
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The author of a recent book in appreciation of Lewis' film work, Enfant Terrible! notes that he's been honored primarily not in the US but in France, by "those incomprehensible hedonistic strangers across the sea." This set affords an opportunity to reappraise his standing in the cinema, and I find myself falling in with the hedonistic strangers in appreciation of his considerable talents.
I can remember as a kid laughing my head off in the theater watching Who's Minding the Store? (not included in this set), but it wasn't until I saw Martin and Lewis on the Colgate Comedy Hour shows on DVD that I had any idea of his range and versatility. Then I saw the first Dean and Jerry movie, My Friend Irma, a film based on a radio show, and thoroughly forgettable but for one thing: the Martin/ Lewis interplay. Paramount long ago saw what I'm just finding out, and the duo made sixteen movies together.
Only their last film in that series is included in this set, The Stooge, from 1953, in which, as Leonard Maltin has noted, Lewis shows hidden depths as an actor. His first solo outing, The Delicate Delinquent (1957) is surprisingly poignant, with only intermittent comic bits. This unimaginably rich set of ten films from 1953 to 1965 may not convert staid critics on this side of the Atlantic, but it certainly will prove the Lewis lover's cup of tea. The films are on ten single sided DVDs in five slimline cases which fit in a box set. The slim cases are too thin to comfortably hold two discs, however, and plastic pieces had broken off in all the cases I opened. The DVDs were still OK though (single sided discs are tougher than double sided ones), and except for that problem this is an attractively packaged set.
The ten films are in widescreen, four in black and white and six in color. In chronological order they are: The Stooge (1953, black and white), The Delicate Delinquent (1957, black and white), The Bell Boy (1960, black and white), Cinderfella (1960, color, with Ed Wynn as the fairy godfather), The Errand Boy (1961, black and white), The Ladies Man (1961, color), The Nutty Professor (1963, color, special edition), The Patsy (1964, color), The Disorderly Orderly (1964, color, with an opening song by Sammy Davis Jr.), and The Family Jewels (1965, color, in which Lewis plays six roles). There's not much information on the box, but many films include trailers and extra features, listed inside the DVD cases. The piece de resistance is a personal note from Jerry slipped into the box, expressing his hope that the Martin/ Lewis films will also soon make it to DVD. A sentiment we fans, mon ami, fervently echo.

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Contains: The Nutty Professor, The Ladies' Man, The Delicate Delinquent, Cinderfella, The Bell Boy, The Errand Boy, The Patsy, The Disorderly Orderly, The Family Jewels, and The Stooge.

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Uprising (2001) Review

Uprising (2001)
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"Uprising" is a story of the Holocaust that really could not be told until NBC showed this two-part made-for-television movie in 2001. The story of the Warsaw ghetto uprising has been told before. In the 1978 mini-series "Holocaust," a major subplot had to do with Moses Weiss (Sam Wanamker), who becomes active in the uprising before being caught and shot by the Nazis at the end. Other movies dealing with the Holocaust have touched on this heroic but futile act of resistance against Hitler's army. This time, however, the point is to cast the uprising in terms that count for more than a moral victory.
When Poland fell to Nazi Germany the city's Jewish population was put into a walled in section of the city, thereby creating the ghetto. In the summer of 1942, after 300,000 Jews were deported from Warsaw to Treblinka the first reports of mass murder were heard in the Warsaw ghetto. Mordecai Anielewicz, then 23-years-old, and other young Jews formed the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa (Jewish Fighting Organization), issuing proclamations calling for the Jewish people to resist being sent away in railroad cars to the death caps, and firing upon German troops trying to round by Jews for deportation.
The "Uprising" began on April 19, 1943, when German troops and police entered the ghetto and were repulsed by the fighters. It is believed that less than a thousand such fighters held off the heavily armed and better trained Germans for almost a month, using mostly pistols and Molotov cocktails, but on May 16 the revolt was finally crushed. Seven thousand of the 56,000 Jews captured were shot, and the rest were deported to either killing centers or concentration camps to be exterminated by the Nazis. At one point the Warsaw ghetto consisted of 450,000 human beings.
The point of "Uprising" is not only that for the first time somebody stood up against German occupation, but that some of the fighters did indeed survive. Mordechai Anielewicz (Hank Azaria), Yitzhak Zuckerman (David Schwimmer), Tosia Altman (Leelee Sobieski), and many others depicted in "Uprising" are historic figures. Azaria and Schwimmer obviously stand out, not because of the roles they play in the narrative but also because the actors are going to great pains to remind fans they are not just comic actors. Also standing out are Sadie Frost as Zuckerman's wife, Zivia, and Stephen Moyer as freedom fighter Kazik Rodem, who wrestle with the hard questions of not only knowing what to do, but how to do it. Director and executive producer Jon Avnet has recreated the ghetto in great detail and makes full use of cinematographer Denis Lenoir and composer Maurice Jarre to make sure this television movie looks and sounds like a theatrical film.
"Uprising" repeatedly asks the question of how a moral person can sustain a moral code in an immoral world, and the uprising serves as the obvious answer. Where "Uprising" is different from its predecessors is how Avnet recasts history to emphasize a sense of how the Jews "win" here. Even though the Nazis will kill 99% of the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto, they did not get them all and they did not get them fast enough to please Himmler and Hitler. Nazi General Jurgen Stroop has to endure being out thought and out fought by a bunch of rabble, all the way having his failure filmed by documentarian Fritz Hippler, who is working on "The Eternal Jew" because for some reason the Nazis do not find the German people to be anti-Semitic enough. The Nazis continue to commit atrocities throughout this movie, but the emphasis is clearly on what the other side is doing.
"The Grey Zone," which also came out in 2001, is of a similar mind in terms of presenting Jews fighting back, and depicts the October 7, 1944 uprising when members of the 12th sonder-kommando succeeded in blowing up two of the four crematoria at Auschwitz II-Birkenau. The sonder-kommandos were the ones who escorted their fellow Jews to die in the gas chambers, then took the bodies to the crematoriums, and disposed of the ashes. For four months the sonder-kommandos carried out their duties, and enjoyed certain privileges (compared to the other inmates), and then were executed. This group of Jews also decided to fight back and like those who resisted the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto, deserve to be remembered. But only once we have accepted the total horror and scope of the Holocaust can we tell stories such as these, ever mindful that they represent a minority report. How many of you were stunned with a train full of Jews left Auschwitz in "Schindler's List"? The incident was true, but it becomes difficult for us to accept that other side of the story given the overwhelming death count of the Final Solution.
The two commentary tracks are a mixed bag. Avnet spends too much time commenting on the historical accuracy of the action and not enough talking about his decisions as a director, particularly with regards to what changes he had to make when his planned theatrical film was downgraded to a television movie. Azaria, Schwimmer, and Voight recorded their commentary two weeks about September 11th, and engage each other to talk about the production and their performances. Sobieski's comments were recorded separately and edited in, and like Avent, she has a hard time going it alone. There are two documentaries accompanying "Uprising." "Resistance" is a too brief look at the history of the resistance movement in the Warsaw ghetto, although it does provide background on the characters and interviews with some of the surviving fighters. "Breaking Down the Walls: The Road to Recreating the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising," is a behind the scenes featurette with clips and interviews. However, anyone inspired to find out more about the history of the events dramatized here will find plenty of resources easily accessible on the Internet.

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After Germany invades Poland in 1939, the Nazis decree that 350,000 Warsaw Jews be forcibly moved into a cordoned area known as the Warsaw Ghetto. Idealistic teacher Mordechai Anielewicz (Hank Azaria) decides the Jews must rise up against the Nazis and creates the Jewish Fighting Organization (JFO).He tries to secure the support of Adam Czerniakow (Donald Sutherland), the morally conflicted head of the Warsaw Ghetto's Jewish Council, but Adam declines because he knows that any act of resistance will provoke the Germans to retaliate by killing innocent Jews.Determined to mobilize a resistance alone if he has to, Mordechai recruits his friends and covert couriers whose ability to pass as Aryan helps them smuggle in arms and explosives from the Aryan side of the city, building up an arsenal to fight the Nazis. When the Germans begin deporting 300,000 Jews to the Treblinka death camp, the JFO begins acts of resistance that culminate with ghetto fighters firing their first gunshots against the Nazis.When it becomes clear that the JFO is a force to be reckoned with, the German High Command sends in General Stroop (Jon Voight), who is determined to end the uprising in two or three days. Capturing the horror that unfolds is Fritz Hippler (Cary Elwes), a filmmaker assigned by Hitler's chief propagandist to promote anti-Semitism with a film about Jewish life in the ghetto. When the Nazis continue to suffer more casualties in their battle with the ghetto fighters, General Stroop decides to raze the ghetto.But even that can't stop the JFO.Forced to go underground into bunkers but energized by their success, the resisters fight on, ultimately holding off the Nazi army longer than the entire country of Poland.They're determined to live with honor--and if need be, die with honor--while lighting the torch for resistance in the occupied territories.

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