Inspector Gadget (1999) Review

Inspector Gadget  (1999)
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I know that the movie didn't do as well in the box office and that critics bashed it. The question is why I bought this DVD. I have a few reasons actually. #1) I was a big fan of the animated series as a child. #2) I like Disney films #3) It was on sale. Three major reasons and yet I even struggled to watch it because it was bashed on so much and it was only 78 minutes long.
So, I was expecting a bad film but you know what. I enjoyed it. I actually liked the movie. It's definitely not below average.
Matthew Broderick is actually a good Inspector Gadget. I think with the way movies are, many people tend to want to see a different Inspector Gadget, perhaps someone more violent. Well, if that's the case...there is the Criterion edition of Robocop with the added gory scenes that you can buy. This movie was made for kids as was the cartoon and I'm a kid at heart because I grew up with the show.
One of the things you'll notice is that it's a Disney DVD with extra's. Yes, it's a miracle isn't it. The majority of all Disney DVD's don't have squat in them. This one has a 30 minute featurette on "Go Inside Inspector Gadget".It also has a music video from Youngstown and the trailer. Not bad Disney...keep adding more! Also, the sound is well done with the 5.1. Good use of the rear channels!
One negative was the layer change. It was during a so-so important scene and that was not good to place it in that area of the movie. They could of put it somewhere else.
Otherwise a good movie for the young ones. Just a little warning for parents with younger children: Seeing Broderick with his head backwards or seeing him get blown up may frighten your child.
So, all in all an enjoyable movie for the family.

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