Loving Sex: Great Sex Over 50 For Men (2007) Review

Loving Sex: Great Sex Over 50 For Men (2007)
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I'd like to comment on the DVD set, Great Sex Over 50 for Men and Great Sex Over 50 for Women. I purchased this specially priced set for my wife and I for a Christmas gift this year. We have had a little-to-no sexual relationship for the last 10-15 years of our 32 year marriage. Needless to say, this had put quite a strain on our relationship. I take the brunt of the blame because of my lack of desire, and an ED problem. I've been on testosterone and thyroid supplement therapy for the last 5 years, with little difference in my desire. I also have taken Cialis for the erection problems, with little to no difference.
A few months ago my doctor indicated that my testosterone and thyroid levels were well within the normal range, and that he couldn't do any more for me; yet my desire to be sexually intimate with my wife was still absent. I am 52 years old, and my doctor had told me, as other people had, that things in the penile department after the age of 50 begin to decline and it was fairly normal to expect these problems. I still couldn't grasp that idea, and was hesitant to initiate sex due to poor performance in the past, and the fear of poor performance currently. While my wife and I were looking at the DVD there was an awakening in me that I can't explain other than a miracle.
We had sex later that evening and for the first time in months. It was like I was 20 years old again. Those DVDs had opened up a mental block for me that I had carried for many years, and I allowed myself to not be embarrassed, or disappointed by my looks, and we made love like we hadn't since 1980. After seeing that the other couples have the same issues i.e. ... weight gain, sagging, ED, and low desire, I must've decided that it was o.k. if we did too, and it revived our sexual relations to a new high. We have even tried some new toys that we never had experienced before and found they added additional pleasure to our otherwise normal sex routine: same foreplay, same position, same ole same ole...
Thank you Alexander Institute for putting together a product that gave me back sexual desire, a drive to pleasure my wife, and the intimate relationship that man and wife should have together.

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AN EROTIC GUIDE FOR COUPLES. This program teaches men in relationships how to keep sex alive and flourishing beyond age 50. Getting older does not mean sex has to suffer or stop! Real couples explicitly show techniques for experiencing greater sexual satisfaction with your partner. Learn ways to enhance desire and sustain arousal. Feel confident about your sexual performance. Find the keys to staying young and unlocking great sex forever! **Increase your staying power **The role of masturbation **Arousal techniques **Keys to orgasm **Fit body for better sex **Sexual experimentation

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