Rogue Force (1998) Review

Rogue Force (1998)
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This is the coolest movie I've ever seen! The first time I ever saw this was on HBO (this movie *I believe* also goes by the name, 'Renegade Force')...and after that, I would stay up until all hours of the night just to catch it again! First of all, I love Robert Patrick!...If you liked him in Terminator 2, than you'll love him in this! He plays a disgruntled S.W.A.T captain, who uses his team to clean up a town full of prostitution and corruption, but ultimately goes over the edge and loses any of the values that he has....although he is SUPPOSED to come off as a cold vigilante, you can't help rooting for the bad guys in this...the hero to his anti-hero, Michael Rooker (guy from Days of Thunder) also somewhat of a prude...which helps you not feel guilty about the chaos that stems from the his 'rogue' squad of swat team members' brutal killing...but asside of that, this movie is still AMAZING...the weapons, equipment, costumes, and manuevers in this are great (This movie used actual FBI equipment, guns, and advisors)...this film is extrememly violent, but almost in a mezmarizing way...the action scene's in this are so amazingly exlposive, and so soberingly realistic, that it will make any other movie with swat teams in it look like Pokemon...if you like automatic weapons and explosions, then this is the movie for you! If you like any movie concerning law enforcement, or just great action movies in general, then this is the movie for you! Buy it, no matter how much it WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!

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