The Consequences of Love ( Le Conseguenze dell'amore ) Review

The Consequences of Love ( Le Conseguenze dell'amore )
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Director Paolo Sorrentino has made the type of film we don't normally associate with Italy, a film where the characters are, for the most part, a study in icy cool and repressed emotions. This mood suits the sterile, upmarket, Swiss setting, where a middle-aged business man, depressed and uncommunicative to all around him, lives in an expensive hotel, in a boredom only relieved by his dispassionate studying of his fellow-guests and a certain very attractive young waitress at the hotel. I found the film mostly very intriguing. Toni Servillo plays the lead role brilliantly, the photography and direction are first-class and there is an astonishingly adroit use of music and sound-effects throughout the film. The thriller aspect to the story works well, although I think the director aims more for mood and revelations into human nature than a taut, suspenseful plot. In summary, the film's technical accomplishment compensates for any implausibilities in the plot and it is certainly a film worth seeing.

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